We are just starting TTC, so I know it could be a long road before we're at the point of CD. I have planned on CDing our kids for multiple reasons (cost, environment, cuteness). DH is adamant that we will not CD our children even if I offer to do the laundry. He does have a problem with "bodily fluids" but I keep trying to tell him to give it a try. Anybody have suggestions please?
Re: How to get DH on board with CD
It took a little time for my husband to get on board. I started CDing when DS was about 6 months old. I bought ONE bum genius 3.0 on sale and tried it. I liked it and decided to buy 6 more. He was annoyed initially at the money I had spent, but he is so supportive in anything I want to do. He thought it was dumb for probably the first month. He's totally on board now! I find him "bragging" to other parents how fantastic cloth diapers are.
Don't worry...you're DH will come around
Are there any local diaper stores near you? There is one near me and they offer a free cloth diaper 101 class every saturday. Something like that could help him be more open minded.
HA! He's sorely mistaken if he thinks the disposable quality of a diaper is what will protect him from bodily fluids. Disposable diapers aren't leak proof. Babies end up with poop on them, regardless of what kind of diaper is holding it against their bum.
Do you guys use cloth instead of disposable products around the house? For us, we use rags instead of paper towels, "real" dishes, and I use reusable menstrual products, so cloth diapering isn't a stretch for us. Besides, we have dogs, so our washing machine has already cleaned rags that were used to clean up dog messes and the rags come out clean enough to do their job again.
Like pp suggested, DH and I took a trip to a CD store while we were in California and I showed him the different types. He likes snapless fitteds because he feels intimidated by all the snaps on the one-size diapers. Fair enough, I'll be sure to have some of those on hand! He never had an issue with the thought of dirty diapers waiting for washing, but I do think he feels better knowing that we have a diaper sprayer, so it's not like we'll have toddler-size poops sitting in a laundry basket. He needed to know what happens to all of it, LOL.
If you don't have a CD store, just buy an AIO. They are far less intimidating in reality than they can be in his head! My husband wasn't on board, but wasn't going to fight me either since I'm a SAHM and do almost all the diaper changes anyway. Once I came home with them, and it wasn't wrapping fabrics and trying to pin things on!
I still won't let him near the laundry though.