2nd Trimester

Complete Placenta Previa / Pelvic rest

Anyone else have complete placenta previa? Are you on pelvic rest? how are things going for you and has your placenta moved at all?

I'm 25 weeks pregnant and mine moved a tiny bit at our last ultrasound. Going back for another ultrasound in 2 weeks to see if it moved anymore but I've been told to be prepared for a C-section.

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Re: Complete Placenta Previa / Pelvic rest

  • I had complete previa with DS1. I was on pelvic rest the whole pregnancy, and had a scheduled c/s at 37w6d. I bled alot because of this during the c/s, and almost needed a blood transfusion. But it all worked out, and my dr stayed on top of it. Mine never moved obviously, but that is pretty rare. Good Luck!
    Aidan Jake 7/25/08 Cooper Cole 7/27/10 Tessa Morgan 8/9/12
  • I have complete previa and am on pelvic rest. I was also told no strenous exercise and no travel, and to call immediately if there is any bleeding, spotting, or contractions. 

    My doctor said a complete previa is less likely to move than if it is partial, but it is still possible for it to move out of the way. This is probably especially true for you if it has already moved a little bit.

    I have another ultrasound at 28 weeks to see where it is then. If it doesn't move, my doctor said they would schedule a C-section at 37 weeks, and there is also a pretty good chance of being put on bed rest at some point in the third trimester. Good luck - I hope it moves for both of us!

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  • I was told at my a/s that I have previa but they didn't say if it is complete.  We discussed pelvic rest, but are holding off until a repeat scan at 23 weeks.  And the doc didn't mention not exercising or traveling, just nothing in the vagina.  I hope that I'm ok to travel because we are going on vaca next week!
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  • mine moved by 28 weeks with my 1st.  I was on pelvic rest for 8 weeks until it cleared
  • I had partial previa with my second, and even though they said there was a 90% chance it would move, it never did.  I had a scheduled c-section at 38 weeks, but was only on modified rest the the last few weeks.

    I have partial again this time, and am waiting until 28 weeks to see if it moves. Because it is my second time, and I've had a c-section (I did a vaginal delivery with my first), my OB said they will most likely schedule it for earlier, around 37 weeks, if it doesn't move.  It's also anterior, which is more dangerous.  

    I'm just happy to have had no bleeding and no bed rest yet.  Good luck!  I hope it moves for you. 

    BabyFruit Ticker On our way to 3 under 4! DD1 1/22/09 DD2 7/16/10 Baby Boy Due This Summer!
  • I don't have the previa but I have been on pelvic rest since 12 weeks .. I have an incompetent cervix so I had to have a cervical cerclage. 


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  • I had complete previa with baby #2 and was on bed rest/pelvic rest from about week 25 (it never moved). I had multiple ultrasounds and ended up having a C-section at 35 weeks. Baby was 100% healthy. This time, I have not been told about a previa but will be having another C-section. Good luck
  • I found out I had it at 18 weeks and I had no restrictions then.  I had spotting this past weekend and was told not to do anything strenuous and not to insert anything vaginally.  Today, at 26 weeks 2 days,  I had another ultrasound, and it has moved up.  Good luck!
    "Today I will be happier than a bird with a french fry."
  • At my a/s (done at 20w5d) they found I had both complete placenta previa (with a 70% chance it would move by the time I deliver) and a short cervix (2.6)  which had begun to efface.  They placed me on pelvic rest and told me that after my next ultrasound they would determine if I needed to be put on bed rest and additional preventative measures.  They also told me to watch for any spotting or bleeding.  My next ultrasound was at 23w and due to the way my body and the baby had grown my cervix had lengthened out to 3.1 (so no longer an issue) and the placenta had begun to move but was still almost completely covering the cervix.  Since it has started to move in the right direction though they are optimistic that by delivery it could be completely moved.  My next appointment is at 27w to see how things have progressed.  I'm still on pelvic rest. So far I haven't had any spotting or bleeding.
  • After my u/s at 20 weeks I was told I have a complete posterior previa (placenta is in the back).  Put on pelvic rest and waiting for follow-up u/s at the end of April.  I'm now at 25 weeks and haven't had any bleeding yet.  Sending good thoughts for everyone's placentas to move up!  Good luck and keep us posted!
  • gapgirl-Was your previa complete or partial?
  • Just reading your post and can relate.  Wondering how you are doing?  I am currently 29 weeks, cpp posterior, no bleeds so far.  
  • I am now 20 weeks, and I had an ultrasound at 19 weeks and discovered I have complete placenta previa. The dr said that my placenta is centered directly over my cervix, with equal coverage on both sides...she is not hopeful that it will move. I had an early bleed at 6 weeks due to a subchorionic hemorrhage. And then at just over 19 weeks, I had another spotting incident. No big bleeds yet. Dr told me pelvic rest and light exercise only. I think it's weird that I don't have a follow up ultrasound until 32 weeks. Is that common to wait that long to see if it's moved?
  • No, that seems to be the normal time frame.  I found out at 19 weeks I have a complete PP, and they scheduled me for 32 week scan.  However, I desperately want to go somewhere warm in February and she said no travel unless it's moved, so my OB scheduled me for another scan in mid-Feb [26 weeks].  I would just ask - I was surprised at how willing my OB was to schedule another scan - but then again I [insurance] am paying for it.  I'm happy to have some additional knowledge without having to wait SO long.  Also helpful - my OB who specializes in more complicated pregnancies [though my 1st 2 babies were perfectly normal] says in her dozens of years, typically there are 2 types of women: bleeders and non-bleeders.  Those who spot and bleed frequently throughout, and those who don't at all, right to the end.  I haven't yet, so I'm hopeful.  I can't be put on bedrest w/2 wild little boys at home! ;)
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