Anyone else have complete placenta previa? Are you on pelvic rest? how are things going for you and has your placenta moved at all?
I'm 25 weeks pregnant and mine moved a tiny bit at our last ultrasound. Going back for another ultrasound in 2 weeks to see if it moved anymore but I've been told to be prepared for a C-section.
Re: Complete Placenta Previa / Pelvic rest
I have complete previa and am on pelvic rest. I was also told no strenous exercise and no travel, and to call immediately if there is any bleeding, spotting, or contractions.
My doctor said a complete previa is less likely to move than if it is partial, but it is still possible for it to move out of the way. This is probably especially true for you if it has already moved a little bit.
I have another ultrasound at 28 weeks to see where it is then. If it doesn't move, my doctor said they would schedule a C-section at 37 weeks, and there is also a pretty good chance of being put on bed rest at some point in the third trimester. Good luck - I hope it moves for both of us!
Cautiously expecting our second little petri dish baby - stick, Baby, stick!
I had partial previa with my second, and even though they said there was a 90% chance it would move, it never did. I had a scheduled c-section at 38 weeks, but was only on modified rest the the last few weeks.
I have partial again this time, and am waiting until 28 weeks to see if it moves. Because it is my second time, and I've had a c-section (I did a vaginal delivery with my first), my OB said they will most likely schedule it for earlier, around 37 weeks, if it doesn't move. It's also anterior, which is more dangerous.
I'm just happy to have had no bleeding and no bed rest yet. Good luck! I hope it moves for you.
I don't have the previa but I have been on pelvic rest since 12 weeks .. I have an incompetent cervix so I had to have a cervical cerclage.
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