Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Joining with a heavy heart

I am going through a really hard time. This was my first pregnancy and  I am supposed to be 11 weeks today but my u/s dated me at 9.5 weeks. I have had a week of heavy brown discharge with tissue. The u/s tech couldn't tell me anything because of hospital policy but I know in my heart that everything is not fine. I am terrified of this miscarriage. I want to do it naturally because it's easier on your body and you can ttc much quicker than having a D&C. But I don't think I can handle passing a 9.5 week baby. I have a doctors appointment for tomorrow and I have soo many questions about his but can someone please ease my mind. I keep having horrible thoughts of having to flush my little baby down the toilet, I don't think i have the strength to do that.


Re: Joining with a heavy heart

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    I'm so sorry for your loss. It is not necessarily true that passing it naturally is easier on your body and that you can ttc earlier then after a d&c. You will have to speak to your doctor about the best option for you.
    BabyFruit Ticker BFP #1 - 1-25-2012. Missed M/C discovered at 9 weeks 3 days. D&C 3-9-2012

    BFP #2 - 10-11-2012 Beta 38, 10-15-2012 Beta 518!.
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    It is not necessarily true that passing it naturally is easier on your body and that you can ttc earlier then after a d&c. You will have to speak to your doctor about the best option for you.

    This exactly.

    I'm sorry for your loss. 

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
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    i was 10 weeks, the baby measured at 8w5d and my doctor told me it would be most likely way too painful for me to pass the baby naturally.
    DS born 7/4/2007 TTC#2: 01/2012 | BFP: 02/07/2012 | EDD: 10/18/2012 | MMC: 03/22/2012 (10w0d) D & C: 03/23/2012 Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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    I finally saw my ob on friday he gave some medication to help the m/c happen on it's own. He felt that if my body could do it naturally that it would be the best way. I was to take 3 pills a day for two days and see him again on monday for a check up and a possible DnC if there was anything left in my uterus. By Saturday night I was in terrible pain, had heavy bleeding, and I was really anxious. My DH called the ER they put my on touch with a nurse on the OBS ward of our hospital. She reassured me that I was fine but if we wanted to come up to the ward for the night they would offer any support we needed and relief for the pain. So thats where I ended up for the night. My ob saw me in the morning and the u/s showed remaining tissue in my uterus and he scheduled a DnC for the afternoon and then I could go home. I feel that now it's truly over and I can have closure. I can look forward to my next pregnancy and look back on this and know that I'm stronger because of it. This has been the most devastating thing I have ever been through and I can't imagine doing it without the support of my family and friends. 
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