
Introduction and ultrasound question


I've decided to stop lurking. I am currently 14 weeks and 5 days pregnant with spontanious twins. Tomorrow we go in for our 15 week checkup and I was hoping that we would get an ultrasound and possibly find out the sexes. Usually my doctor requires that you submit a urine specimine before you even go back to the examination room but I thought I read somewhere that ultrasounds are easier to read if your bladder is full. Does that sound right? Should I hold off on peeing in that lovely cup in order to increase the chances of finding out the sexes tomorrow? This is my first pregnancy and I'm clearly new at this. Any suggestions would be great!

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Re: Introduction and ultrasound question

  • Congrats! To be honest, that is the first I've ever heard about needing a full bladder to get a good ultrasound. At everyone of my u/s's, my tech would ask me if I need to go to the bathroom first. In fact, halfway through my NT scan she made me go to the bathroom because my bladder was too full to get readings lol.
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  • Congrats!

    My Peri always had me pee first so I was comfortable.  No full bladder needed!

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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  • Well, that makes me feel better! Thanks so much! I feel like my bladder can hold about a teaspoon lately, the thought of holding it while someone pressed on my belly was intimidating. One more random question, what on Earth does MFM mean? I can figure out most of the insane amount of acronyms used around here but that one stumps me.
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  • Years ago a full bladder was required for an ultrrasound !
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  • MFM= maternal fetal medicine specialist or perinatologist or high-risk OB :)
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  • Congrats! They never had me have a full bladder. Good luck at your appt!
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  • congratulations! 

    my doctor also has me give a urine sample at every apt, and it's never made a difference with my ultrasounds. They tried to find out the sex at 15 weeks, but my babies were in a bad position, so I found out at my next one, at 19 weeks.

    good luck, I hope you have cooperative babies! 

    Married 07/2011 <3
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  • My OB asks for a full bladder for U/S but not my MFM.  Still don't understand that!

    Just pee a little, enough to get a sample. It's hard to hold back once you get going but it is possible!

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  • I had to have a full bladder starting at 20 weeks. But it was just to check the cervix length then they'd let me empty. So It doesn't affect finding sexes, the babies do that themselves. Ours were not cooperative ever, but we figured they were girls, finally last week got a FULL view of baby A, definitely a girl, which means 2 girls :) And Congrats, good luck!!
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  • I always ask and they always tell me to have a full bladder, then it seems like each time they have me get up and empty half way through because they want more room for the babies. I would ask, but I don't think having a full bladder increases your chances of finding out the sexes. Baby positions will matter more.


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