DD is nearly 3 1/2 and still refuses to poop on the potty. She's actually done it before, maybe 3-4 times max and each experience was great- we made a big deal out of it, rewarded the beahvior, and she was really proud of herself. But she won't do it anymore. She waits until naptime or early morning when she has a pull up on.
Now, I'm pretty laid back about it. I really don't know if this is normal or not and I don't get upset with her at all. However, my in-laws (who watch her everyday) seem to think this is ridiculous. They also watch my niece who is the same age and completely potty trained so I think they're comparing the 2 girls.
I'm not sure how to handle it. Grandparents think that she should know better by now (since she's gone on the potty before) and they pretty much make her feel bad about these accidents. In my heart I don't want her to feel ashamed, but is that what's right for her? Should she feel bad about not pooping consistently on the potty, or is it ok to just let her do her thing and trust that she'll work it out on her own? I don't feel right about this and wanted to see what you all thought...am I being too sensitive or does she really need some discipline with this issue?
Thanks for any advice!
Re: Potty Training regression
This. Mine didn't learn until pull ups were not an option. However, to answer your question, go with your mommy gut. If it isn't a problem to you and her, then it isn't a problem. Comparing the kids isn't fair as each kid learns at their own pace. (Sorry grandma, this isn't your call so don't make her feel bad because that just makes you look sucky.) Maybe you can give it a little longer and then push the issue if she is still not going when closer to four.
I'd recommend you change child care options.
I'm sorry if that seems harsh, but one of my pure pleasures in life is knowing that I am the mother and that my child care providers are my partners - not my parents.
To be specific to your issue, DD could waited for her overnight pull-up to do her poop. Fine for me. When DD was her age, sometimes she asked for a diaper - again fine, her poop, her choice. But we didn't use pull-ups for naps. Perhaps that will help your situation. Remove the pull-ups at naps and the judgement. It's no big deal otherwise.
But different child care is probably a better solution. Overall.
I'd ditch the naptime pullup for sure. No need for it.
For my kids, when I knew that they were capable but not being consistent, I would show disappointment if they didn't go on the potty. If she is articulate enough, you can ask her why she isn't pooping on the potty. You might be surprised at the answer.
In the grand scheme of things, it's really no big deal. But it is nice for mom and kid when the potty is used every time for every thing. She'll get there.
My older DD did this as well - waited for a pull up to poop. during that time, she dropped her nap so no more pull ups during the day and that really helped. We also did a reward chart to encourage her and gave her 2 m&m's when she pooped.
She figured it out on her own, but before she did, we were considering a technique where you first have them sit on the potty with a pull up on when they need to poop for a few days, then move to cutting a hole in the pull up so that the poop actually makes it in the potty but they have the comfort of the pull up, and then eventually ditch the pull up. I'm not sure if it would have worked for us, but lots of other people seem to have had success with it. Would your parents be willing to try something like this? I think a lot of kids take a while to figure out the pooping thing.