Cloth Diapering



 Does anyone use dry washcloths with water instead of wipes?  We don't use CD but we are having a problem with chronic diaper irritation (just around the anus).  After being tested at the doctors, it was determined it was not yeast or bacterial.  We have always used the same brand diapers, so I am thinking that it's the wipes (pampers unscented).  I am not sure if it's something in the wipes or that they are so wet that they add moisture to the area.  I have been using cloth washcloths at home but I need disposable ones for daycare.  Any recs?  Thanks!

Re: wipes

  • We use cloth wipes for everything, so I can't really recommend a good wet wipe alternative.  Will your daycare use cloth wipes instead?  Maybe you could ask your daycare provider to dry your LO's bum before they put the diaper on.

    If not, something you could try for daycare are Viva paper towels and water.  This works really well (we use these at my work with some of our patients).  This would still be disposable (if that's their concern).

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  • We use washcloths with water. They work great.

    Not sure if you are asking for advice on what cloth wipes to buy or what to do about your daycare situation. For the wipes, we use washcloths from Ikea, they are sold in a 10 pack for $4. They were the cheapest I would find and work great.

    For your daycare, see what they have to say. Many daycares allow cloth diapers, but it is hit or miss.

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  • My sweetpea had a rash just around the anus and it ended up being a milk allergy. She's BF so now I'm off dairy :(  We've almost always used cloth wipes-except traveling (7th generation wipes).

    I bought cotton flannel at Joanns and ripped it into wipe container size (The first few loads of wash left tons of threads, so I wash them separately, in fact i used a lingerie bag at first). Any chance your daycare would use flannel if they were already premoistened and in a wipe container? They could just toss them in a plastic bag, just like they would disposable ones to throw out. Then, if they do get tossed one day, no big deal, but hopefully you could pick them up each day and keep reusing them.

    Otherwise, I know it's a waste, but if you were to rip flannel into 4x4 squares and they were thrown away during  I wonder if it would cost about the same as disposable ones. Or, could you collect torn clothes from friends and turn them into rags that could then be thrown away (because they would have been thrown away anyways?)

    Good luck!

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