I'm new to this, and for the most part things are going great, but twice my 12 mo old has pooped overnight in our pockets. Its uncommon for him to poop at night but it does happen every once in a while. Anyway, I have the HARDEST time getting a faint poop smell out of those diapers. I rinse very well when he wakes up with the diaper sprayer, I spray lots of bac-out on them, and wash within one day. And still stinky. And its just the pocket diaper that the poop was in contact with, the inserts seem to be fine. Does anyone else have this problem? I tried soaking in 7th Gen Oxy Clean for like 5 hours then rewashing with detergent, and still a faint smell. I'll try sunning them tomorrow, conditions aren't favorable for it today. I really only want to use bleach as a last resort. What can I do?
Re: Pooping in CD overnight - HELP!
Since it's not common for him to poop at night I wonder if he's pooping right before he goes to bed? I've noticed since we started using cloth I often won't notice when DS poops because I can't smell it like we could when he was in disposables. Maybe start checking right when he goes to bed to make sure he hasn't pooped??
I'm new to this so I don't have any suggestions about getting the smell out! Sorry!
Thanks, I'll try that! How much baking soda/vinegar do you recommend? I've been thinking about trying vinegar now that I'm pretty sure we don't have hard water.
For detergent I've been using Nellies, and I use 1 T, which I *think* should be enough because everything else smells fine.
This exactly for me. I find the more detergent I use, the less stink I have.