Questions of the week:
How do you keep your kids busy and/or save yourself from going crazy during the cold rainy season?
For co-op'ers: what do you do with the youngest while you are putting in your hours?
Birthday parties: who do you invite? We did only family for her 1st B-Day, and that was over 20 people. I want K to have more kids to play with at her 2nd B-Day, but don't want to exclude family. I can't host 30+ people and don't want two parties.
Re: Mommy Check In
Questions of the week:
How do you keep your kids busy and/or save yourself from going crazy during the cold rainy season? We got new $1 coloring books from Michaels and they are pretty into that right now.
For co-op'ers: what do you do with the youngest while you are putting in your hours? n/a
Birthday parties: who do you invite? We did only family for her 1st B-Day, and that was over 20 people. I want K to have more kids to play with at her 2nd B-Day, but don't want to exclude family. I can't host 30+ people and don't want two parties. For Ollie's third (and what I think I will do for E's 2nd) is have a kid/ friend lunch during the week, and then just had close family for dinner on the weekend. Both very casual, but fun! We have so many family members that live kind of far, its easy to just do a few people and not feel bad.