We are running out of the diapers we were given at our shower and interested in trying cloth diapering. I know this topic has been discussed multiple times but I can't find the old posts
so, what brands do you guys recommend? I'd like to have a hybrid option, too, for when we are out and about. I have a friend sending me some gDiapers to try but I have no idea where to even start! Thanks!!
Re: CD mamas
The CD board has a really great FAQ link at the top of the board that really helped me out with a lot of the questions I had as far as what the different types are etc. It also has a chart that people have reviewed different CDs on.
Everyone is going to be different in what they like and every baby will be different in what works best. Don't buy a ton of one kind until you know you love it. I started with Best Bottoms AI2s which are nice because you can just unsnap the insert and toss it in the wet bag and if no poop or anything got on the shell you can just snap in a new insert and you're good to go. That being said, I like GroVia better. They're same concept but cost more. My favorite diaper by far for night time is the Bum Genius 4.0 It's fantastic! Also a really inexpensive (but they still work) option is Sunbaby pockets. A lot of girls use Alva baby too. They both come from China so they're less expensive. Shipping takes a little longer, but it's worth it for your savings. (It's about $6 a diaper or so) They're pocket diapers and I love them. I thought I would only like the AI2s (as described above) because they're so much easier, but I find that I grab for pockets much more frequently now. It's nice because you can stuff them with whatever you want and as much as you want. Rumparooz are pretty awesome, but the rise is really short so my son is already at the biggest setting at 8M and won't be able to wear them past a year I'm sure. Happy Heiny is pretty great too. OH! And another more inexpensive option is the Imagine pocket from Nicki's Diapers. They're great.
I hope that helps a little. Let me know if you need more information. I'm obsessed with my CDs. I used to think the very thought of it was repulsive and now I can't get enough. It's an addiction, so be careful.
I hadn't heard good things about gDiapers, For hybrid (which we used when people were caring for her, at daycare, etc. - we used Flips - however we did use Gdiaper inserts cause the disposable flip inserts suck adn the G's actually seem to fit better.
Only other ones we've tried are BGs and Fuzzinbunz and we like Fuzzibunz the best.
Photo by Melissa Glynn
for pockets we like bum genius and fuzzi bunz. with that said, ds had an allergy to the microsuede in the BG when he was really little (he outgrew that later on) so we mostly used fuzzi bunz during that time.
we also have used flips (a hybrid) and they were great for when we were out and about. ditto atlantic, i used the gdiaper disposable inserts successfully in them.
i would recommend a diaper trial before you invest in an entire stash, there is a try cloth for $10 on jillian's drawers. https://jilliansdrawers.com/products/clothdiapers/tryclothfor10/tryclothfor10
I love the Best Bottoms hybrids. They are not so expensive and work really well. I'd spring for the hemp inserts because they are less bulky and don't hold stink like microfiber can.
For AIOs, we tried BottomBumpers and really liked them. THey are much softer than Grovia. They are pricey, though. I also have one BG Freetime (the new ones) because I couldn't resist the print. I really like it and wish I could afford more.
For pockets, my favorites are Kawaii (about $10 each with 2 inserts included) and Imagine (nickisdaipers.com, same place as Best Bottoms). They are basic, but fit really well and hold up well in the dryer. I prefer velcro because its easier for me to get a good fit, but I do have snaps of all those brands and they are good too.
Since we started solids, we use flushable liners. The Bummis ones stuck to his bottom and made a horrible bleeding rash. We switched to Real Nappies flushable liners and haven't had an issue. They are much softer.
We use Dropps for normal diaper laundry and blue Dawn for stripping.
How big is your LO? I have some sized pockets and AIOs that might fit her that you can borrow to try out.
Hmm, might not work then. But I have some small Best Bottoms inserts and a couple extra shells if you want to try them. They'll fit her for another few weeks I bet. Let me know and I'll bring them to work. You know where that is
I forgot how old she was too. You need a ticker, lady!