Infertility Veterans

Thanks Target chick... (vent)

....for announcing to everyone in line that I was buying a pregnancy test.  Not that I really care, but still. 

She loudly says, "Wow, I've never seen anyone use a coupon for a pregnancy test."  I just kind of smiled and said, "yeah, well, they are out there."   All the while, I'm thinking of course you've never seen it before.  Most girls run out to buy pregnancy tests in the midst of an "oh sh!t, I'm late" moment.  I, on the other hand, have had the priviledge of spending tens of thousands of my own money in a long drawn out attempt to plan to TTC.  So, shut up b/c I need that $3 off of a pack of FRER!

On a related note, I'm obviously stocking up on HPTs to use in a couple of weeks.  I doubt any of you remember, but last time MH didn't want me to test before beta and it was a sour topic for us.  This time, I've decided I'm not bringing it up at all and hopefully (likely) he won't even think of it.  I'm just going to test when I feel like it and he'll just have to deal! heeeheeeheee

IVF #3 = Feb 2012
beta#1 3/21 (14dp3dt)=413, beta#2 3/23 (16dp3dt)=785, u/s 4/11
EDD 11/25/12
**SAIFW** Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Thanks Target chick... (vent)

  • I love many, many things about this post.

    A. I love that you are using coupons for FRER. Those damn things are expensive.

    B. Where the heck did you find a coupon and can I get one too?

    C. I like your plan. My DH would never think of it either. That's why I haven't talked about testing this cycle because I might just do it anyway too!

    And FFS why can't cashiers keep their damn mouths shut when you check out?  

    TTC with severe MFI since 9/08 IVF w/ ICSI #1 May/June 2010= BFP twins
    Callan George and Bennett Charles born and died 11/7/10
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    FET #1 April 2011= BFN
    FET #2 July 2011= no transfer because my lining sucked
    FET #3 February 2012= BFP! 1st beta 9dp5dt=314 2nd beta 11dp5dt=977 1st U/S 3/20 Twins- Heart rates of 111 and 138 Pregnancy Ticker
    Living After Losing
  • why would she even open her mouth? seriously.

    anyway good luck POAS in a few weeks.  hope your hubby is so overwhelmed over the happy results that he doesn't even care that you POAS =) 

    Tara & Dave - TTC since September 2006
    PCOS - dx 1999 (amenorrhea) | freakishly long fallopian tubes
    Hypoglycemic | thyroid issues | severely anemic
    Multiple Clomid cycles of 50, 100, 150 - absolutely no response
    Follistim 50/100 | Follistim 75/125 | Follistim 100/150 IUI - all BFNs
    Converted IVF - BFP - m/c | FET - BFN | IVF #2 = BFN
    IVF #3
  • Loading the player...
  • imagecookie_queen:

    I love many, many things about this post.

    A. I love that you are using coupons for FRER. Those damn things are expensive.

    B. Where the heck did you find a coupon and can I get one too?

    C. I like your plan. My DH would never think of it either. That's why I haven't talked about testing this cycle because I might just do it anyway too!

    And FFS why can't cashiers keep their damn mouths shut when you check out?  

    All of this exactly! GL doll! 


    Dx: DH - Azoo, Me - Mild PCOS
    DH - sperm found! Seems to produce only for a few days every 70 days!
    Over 1 million in cryo in 15 vials over 6 samples
    IVF #1 - 1 beautiful expanded blast transferred, 4 snowbabies - beta #1 11/30/11 = BFFN
    FET #1, transfered 2 embies 2/16/12 = BFFN; 1 snowbaby left in cryo
    IVF #2 + CGH = 4 genetically normal embies on ice. FET September 26th
    SAIF/PAIF always welcome

    a special GL and prayers to my IF sister Gregermis

    check out my blog!

  • imageNMscubagirl:

    I love many, many things about this post.

    A. I love that you are using coupons for FRER. Those damn things are expensive.

    B. Where the heck did you find a coupon and can I get one too?

    C. I like your plan. My DH would never think of it either. That's why I haven't talked about testing this cycle because I might just do it anyway too!

    And FFS why can't cashiers keep their damn mouths shut when you check out?  

    All of this exactly! GL doll! 

    I agree!  I could really use one of those coupons...  and that cashier could really use a kick in the butt.

    Severe MFI. Me: supposedly all clear but eggs showed vacuoles.

    IVF #1 January 2012, ER Jan 14th: 34R, 27M, 23F. Day 3: 18 embies still strong. Day 5: zero "good," one "fair," the rest "poor." Transferred 3. None made it to blast or to freeze. Jan 28: BFN.

    Lucky IVF #2: Transferred two beautiful day three embies on St. Patrick's Day. BFP on HPT 7dp3dt. Beta 1 (14dpER)=106; Beta 2 (16dpER)=140; Beta 3 (19dpER)=264! First u/s 4.17.

    imageimageimageBabyFruit Ticker

    Hope is the thing with feathers - that perches in the soul - and sings the tune without the words - and never stops - at all - (Emily Dickinson)

  • imagecookie_queen:

    I love many, many things about this post.

    A. I love that you are using coupons for FRER. Those damn things are expensive.

    B. Where the heck did you find a coupon and can I get one too?

    C. I like your plan. My DH would never think of it either. That's why I haven't talked about testing this cycle because I might just do it anyway too!

    And FFS why can't cashiers keep their damn mouths shut when you check out?  

    They are crazy expensive!  The coupon I used today I got from box I bought before, but I've also seen printable ones online.  Check the First Response website.  I think there's a $2 one on there now.

    ETA: In case you didn't know, you can print 2 coupons per computer.  Enjoy!

    IVF #3 = Feb 2012
    beta#1 3/21 (14dp3dt)=413, beta#2 3/23 (16dp3dt)=785, u/s 4/11
    EDD 11/25/12
    **SAIFW** Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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