****Janet&Mike you have never give me an EDD****
We have 50 Pregnant Bumpies!! Please specifically call out if you are new to the post and would like to be added to the list. If you are pg, make sure to include your EDD. Also, please be willing to participate on a somewhat regular basis. It makes the check-in more fun! ~Thanks!
16 are having GIRLS
8 are having a BOYS
4 are keeping it a SURPRISE
22 are UNKNOWN just yet
We have 13 ladies TTC
Other News
Baby Watch This Week!
February 2012
08 ? patsad24 - GIRL
10 ? JessieJH - GIRL
17 ? Jess1495 - GIRL
20 ? mommymeg83 ? GIRL
20 ? sweetturnip ? GIRL
20 ? shelleyo17 - GIRL
March 2012
20 ? Purvalicious ? GIRL
30 ? Chai_Latte ? BOY
April 2012
08 ? brokenqueen ? BOY
18 ? greenmtbride ? BOY
18 ? johlise ? SURPRISE
21 ? shevaCC ? GIRL
26 ? mertense ? BOY
29 ? heather318 ? GIRL
May 2012
01 ? jacquiekat ? BOY
01 ? peanutrcr27 ? UNKNOWN
06 ? UOduckBride2be? BOY
15 ? ash711 ? UNKNOWN
16 ? fyziksgirl ? GIRL
19 ? rew123 ? SURPRISE
23 ? annarach ? SURPRISE
28 ? Orca11 ? GIRL
30 ? Alli923 ? GIRL
June 2012
01 ? xxbblueangelxx ? GIRL
01 ? marielovestimothy03 ? GIRL
04 ? melvin0808 ? UNKNOWN
05 ? IrishSapphire ? GIRL
20 ? kaitlyn77 ? UNKNOWN
21 ? ajbezo ? UNKNOWN
30 ? megmacp ? UNKNOWN
July 2012
03 ? worldispurple ? UNKNOWN
06 ? AmyInOly ? BOY
18 ? nicolepatricia87 ? UNKNOWN
19 ? amandaleigh1 ? BOY
20 ?LegalBritt ? UNKNOWN
20 ?skyyak ? GIRL
August 2012
04 ? chubbycheekiesmom ? UNKNOWN
13 ? nwxterra ? UNKNOWN
15 ? Cheriemimi ? UNKNOWN
25 ? jhunter89 ? UNKNOWN
September 2012
19 ? theresab ? UNKNOWN
19 ? Hailes81 ? UNKNOWN
20 ? Angeldish ? UNKNOWN
21 ? TacticalTurtleneck ? UNKNOWN
22 ? dawnies79 ? UNKNOWN
October 2012
03 ? abrismum? SURPRISE
03 ? christyhal ? UNKNOWN
09 ? dreamwinds ? UNKNOWN
12 ? KNemo ? UNKNOWN
17 ? looboo? UNKNOWN
Trying to Conceive
tst1998 ? August 2009
KRoesToes ? December 2008
Newmommy74 ? October 2011
RequiresExalted ? January 2011
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment?
3. What are you looking forward to this week?
4. Monday confession?
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike
10. Questions for next week?
***When appropriate, please try to answer the TTC questions as it gives the ladies some insight as well!***
TTCing Questions
1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW?
2. What are you looking forward to this week?
3. Monday confession?
4. Has anyone read Making Babies? I'm trying the diet plan for my "type" but not sure it's making a difference besides frustrating me. -7costanza
5. Questions for next week?
Re: PG & TTC Check-In 2/27/12
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? 17 weeks, lots of RLP, and heart palpitations (DR said it was normal).
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? March 9th, we find out the SEX! WOOOT!
3. What are you looking forward to this week? Possible trip to the seattle area depending on the pass. But if we do go, I get to see DAWN!
4. Monday confession? I was really disappointed at preschool today when we got assessments for the kids. There were a few things on the "grow" category that I didn't agree with. I didn't want to be "that" parent but it so obvious in our day to day life it rubbed me the wrong way. His original teacher wasn't that great, she went on maternity leave in January and her replacement is AMAZING. It said he doesn't say his full name, or walk on his tip toes. Which both those things he can do, very well. I think the teacher didn't even remember his name.
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo I don't think I'd be much help, but I know there are ladies on here that can!
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal My mother is coming the week of my due date to stay with T, and our dogs so when DH and I go to the hospital somewhere is her for them.
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra If you have an older pair of work pants you can sew the band part on the top of the pant. IF you google "Make your own maternity pants" it gives you sites that do step by step info. If you can still zip your pants, I use a hair rubber band and loop it through the hole part of the button and around the button to help keep them up but also has stretch.
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike I'm not much of a book reader when it comes to development, but I do LOVE babycenter.com for those types of things. Lots of great information on babies first year, how to handle certain milestones as well.
10. Questions for next week?
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? 10 weeks. I'm not sure what it is maybe RLP? But sometimes when I yawn, or stretch I feel some pulling or a pop in my abdomen. Doesn't really hurt, it's just a little uncomfortable. Other than that, the same ol', same ol'.
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? Just had one last Friday so not until next month.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? Not much happening this week outside of our regular routine.
4. Monday confession? I got to hear the baby's hb for the first time on Friday and DH couldn't be there because he just started a new job last week. I have felt really down about it all weekend. I feel like he really missed out. I recorded it for him, but it isn't the same. I really need to just get over it and be thrilled that he has a job (which I am). I'm just having a hard time adjusting to his new schedule.
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo I really like the Nutrition section on the Baby Center website. It's what I used until I was able to see my midwife. Here is a link. Your situation is so specific, I would look for dietary guidelines specific to bypass patients to ensure you and baby are getting what you need. Have you tried talking to the surgeons office that did your surgery? They may have some eating guidelines for pregnancy.
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal We haven't gotten this far yet, but my thought is we will put someone in charge of taking them to boarding for a day or two (we have 2 dogs). That way the few family members we have here won't have to worry about feeding them and letting them out several times a day. We live just far enough away that it would be a huge hassle for someone to do.
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra Have you thought about maternity consignment shops/sales? That would probably be the best way to save. I'm discovering maternity clothing is freaking expensive purchased new.
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly N/A
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike I have asked this question before and I had a lot of votes for "Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn" by Patty Simkin. So far I have really liked it.
10. Questions for next week? N/A
ETA: Spelling
Woo hoo!!!
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? Week 25
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? March 6th, glucose test, test for if baby could come early
3. What are you looking forward to this week?
4. Monday confession? Counting down to 31 weeks when my son was born, and just hoping that I will at least get to that point in the pregnancy.
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo
I have been eating a lot of Teryaki Chicken Breast from Metropolitan Market along with mixed vegetables. I also go to Nordstrom cafe and order a lot of salads--there is a salad with parmesan crusted chicken that is good, and there is another salad with salmon that is really good as well. My son order the Fruit, Cheese and Crackers from the kid's menu so this a good appetizer for me.
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal-I do not have a dog.
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra--The band never worked for me--only the over the belly maternity jeans and pants work for me, especially in late 2nd trimester/3rd trimester. I got them at Gap Maternity and Pea in a Pod.
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly--If it stays low and there is a previa, then I was told that I would get a C-section. I just had another ultrasound at 24 weeks, and they are telling me that there is partial placenta previa. So there will be another ultrasound at 30 weeks.
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike
10. Questions for next week?
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? Wk 27, still lots of back pain at night, sciatica on my left side.
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? March 5, reg. check up and GD test.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? Hopefully getting my childcare/nanny situation resolved so I can stop worrying and thinking about it.
4. Monday confession? I always overdo it, whether it be work or my house or my kid, I have a hard time stopping and letting go of stuff and it is really starting to take a toll on my body now that I'm so pregnant. DH gets so frustrated because I go go go, and then my body reacts. I have to slow my roll.
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. I would say you're probably fine to follow the same healthy eating habits you've been doing. I think the general consensus is that you only need about an extra 300 calories per day during pregnancy. I found a lot of my cravings were for fresh fruit and salads, in addition to the unhealthy ones. But I try to always eat based on those healthy cravings first.
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? For DD#1, we took the dogs to my IL's house. I had a planned c/s so we made arrangements and took them the day before. Not sure what we're doing this time, I haven't made plans yet.
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... I used a rubberband around the buttons and then the Bellaband over that for the first few months. The rubberband helped keep the waste snug enough to stay up, but give me some more room in the belly.
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? Yep, mine was a little low earlier on in pregnancy with DD #1 and resolved itself by about 30 wks I think.
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? i liked "Your Baby's First Year Week by Week"
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?
Week 26. Round ligament pains have shown up. I thought I could walk a little over 2 hours at the mall like nothing. Hell no...
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment?
March 6th. GD test and normal check up
3. What are you looking forward to this week?
Having my first maid service. So thankful for them to clean the floors in the kitchen and bathroom.
4. Monday confession?
I am nervous and rushing to get cleaning before the in-laws show up next week from Houston. DH and I just found out yesterday they were coming.
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra
I can still wear all pre-pregnancy pants. I only have one unbuttoned, the rest I can button. But I have fallen in love with the Target Belly Band. I used to wear belts everyday before but now it hurts. I wear the B Band everyday with jeans and it holds them up. It's a PITA when the band rolls up a little when you get up, but it's a easy fix.
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike
I enjoyed reading the Mayo Clinic.
10. Questions for next week?
Is it better to take a breastfeeding class or have one-on-one lactation consultant while in the hospital after birth?
My Chart: https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/28017b
TTC #1- 3 failed rounds of Clomid/ Surprise Natural BFP w/weight loss- 9/22/11 DD 5/12
DX. Dec '09 w/ Inappropriate LH Secretion Syndrom/PCOS/ Anov 28 months
(Former username: xxbblueangelxx)
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? Week 10, double digits! Feeling okay but still dealing with regular nausea.
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? I finally have one! first appointment is in 2 weeks.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? Hopefully getting our sick cat back to healthy.
4. Monday confession? My house is a mess, but I'm way too complacent since the housecleaner comes Friday.
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo Natural, low fat jerky, maybe? Nice concentrated protein.
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal For our first my parents were staying with us so they took care of our crew. I am hoping they'll come out for this one's birth and take care of them again, although they might not stay here since the guest room will be turned into a nursery.
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra I have some cute dresses that work well for a small bump (but are not maternity), so maybe find a couple of those to pair with some leggings or tights?
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly N/A
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike Honestly I read very little, beyond Happiest Baby on the Block and some of No Cry Sleep Solution. I have a couple reference type books that I occasionally referred to for specific questions about illness, feeding, etc. but I find parenting books in general to be boring and full of information that is not necessarily applicable to everyone.
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?
7weeks. Still have lower abdominal pain & cramping... But we got a second ultrasound last week and saw the heartbeat so it doesn't make me AS nervous!
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment?
March 28th, we will be just about 12 weeks! Nothing special that I know of..
3. What are you looking forward to this week?
Unpacking at work.. We just went through moving our entire office, so it'll be nice to get everything in the right place!
4. Monday confession?
I have been having terrible, vivid nightmares for the last week.. I think it's just anxiety and the fact that I wake up a lot during the night, but woah! Some of them are really weird!
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -llooboo
What about boiled eggs?
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal
Our family has a key to our place so we will call them and ask them to come get our dog and take him to their house when the time comes!
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stoCpping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike
I know this is my question but my friend recommended "Bringing up Bebe" about French parenting! I ordered it & can't wait to get it! :]
10. Questions for next week?
Whats the earliest you found out the gender?
Hi Dawnies,
I'm getting caught up on my online activities- finally. I wanted to let you guys know that my little girl arrived on 2/7. We've named her Katherine and when she arrived she weighed in at 8lbs, 6oz and was 22 inches long. She's a doll and so far is a really tranquil baby.
We started with med-free birth at PSBC, but after many hours and a lack of progress I was transfered to Evergreen for a c-section. It wasn't part of my 'plan', but given the situation I was very happy to have the capable team there to make sure she arrived safely. I still am in awe of the nurses at Evergreen who took such good care of us- they were truly a silver lining to our situation.
Best of luck to the TTC and future mommies out there!
Dawnies, sorry I forgot to put up my EDD: 10/17!! Thank you!!
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? 7w3d. I'm just sick with a horrid cold. Other than that, nothing new.
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? Same. Next Tuesday.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? Preschool. I need a morning to myself. =P
4. Monday confession? Nothing.
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra Have you tried putting a rubber band through your button loop and over the button of your pants? That works a lot better for me than the band. If you put the BellaBand over that, it adds extra security. Also, try tops that are loose around the middle and flowing. They seem to wear longer than tighter fitting tops and can be worn PP as well.
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly I didn't have low lying placenta, but I had anterior placenta placement that moved more posterior by the time I went into labor.
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn was my favorite book during PG and PP. WTE The First Year isn't bad, and it helps a lot with questions that all new moms have, but I didn't like WTEWE.The only Easter Bunny I can get behind.
Maxwell Joseph 4/09 Lucy Violet 10/12
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?
week 11 - nothing new, nausea is a bit decreased but food adversions (and cravings) are up.
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? Sequential Screen in 2 weeks, another OB appt in 4. We had one last Friday and got another quick ultrasound.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? I'm hoping we can go out to dinner at PF Changs.
4. Monday confession? I made peanut butter, chocolate, marshmallow candy during baby's nap.
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra Check out JCPenney.
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike
10. Questions for next week?
***When appropriate, please try to answer the TTC questions as it gives the ladies some insight as well!***
TTCing Questions
1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW?
2. What are you looking forward to this week?
3. Monday confession?
4. Has anyone read Making Babies? I'm trying the diet plan for my "type" but not sure it's making a difference besides frustrating me.
5. Questions for next week?
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? Week 32. As she gets stronger, those kicks sometimes hurt!
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? Next week, I'm starting to go every 2 weeks.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? Good question...getting back into a routine at home? And we're finally going to interview a pediatrician.
4. Monday confession? I almost made a scene at work bc an annoying coworker was bothering/chatting with another coworker in the next cubicle for 45 minutes! I finally got up and hid in a meeting room until he left so I could get work done and not snap at him.
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo I've avoided most simple carbs this pregnancy bc I haven't felt like eating them, even though I usually live on pasta and rice. I've stuck with things I do feel like that are reasonably healthy -- lots of hard-boiled eggs and apples as snacks, fat-free greek yogurt with just a little honey. There's plenty you can do with chicken, fish, pork (lamb, beef, etc) and veggies -- stir fry, grilled, fajitas, soups. I listen to my body within reason (though sometimes ignore the "eat more chocolate" voice). Don't stress! I bet your usual diet is great.
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal We don't have a dog, but our neighbors have a high school-aged daughter who loves to make a few dollars watching our cats when we're gone. I wonder if you have anyone nearby who wouldn't mind stopping in?
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra I got 3 pairs of maternity pants at Goodwill and they're great -- gray slacks, black slacks, and brown cords. I don't normally shop there but for "temporary clothing" I couldn't see spending hundreds of dollars for not much use. I could comfortably wear my non-maternity dresses for a while longer than pants, with either opaque tights or leggings. I've gotten a lot of use out of a few jersey cotton dresses that are also really comfy. I wore a lot of my old tops for a while, then picked up some maternity tops here and there, mostly 2nd hand. You can also find mothers passing along a box of maternity clothes on Craigslist. You can also pair maternity tops with a dressy (non-maternity) cardigan and leave it unbuttoned, or button a few of the top buttons.
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly N/A
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike I'll 2nd the rec for Penny Simkin's books. Besides the one already mentioned she also has one called The Birth Partner written for guys (if you can convince them to read it).
10. Questions for next week?
TTCing Questions
1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW? 2 WW
2. What are you looking forward to this week? DH is going out on Friday day/night to an all day concert & I can't wait to have the place to myself when Coop is down for the night
3. Monday confession? DH & I have been together 19 years next month and I would have never thought that after so many years we are STILL TTC. I am starting to regret that we didn't start this journey earlier
4. Has anyone read Making Babies? I'm trying the diet plan for my "type" but not sure it's making a difference besides frustrating me.
-7costanza Haven't read it sorry
5. Questions for next week? -
TTCing Questions
1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW?
cycle 8, end of 2WW, actually past predicted AF date...wondering if somehow this cold has delayed things?
2. What are you looking forward to this week?
Going to a friend's baby shower and another friend's HH celebration after her last day at her current job.
3. Monday confession?
I have completely lost my motivation to get anything done the last two days with this nasty cold.
5. Questions for next week?
If you don't get a +OPK for a cycle, when do you stop even testing for that cycle?
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Week 9-my due date was moved up a couple of days at my dating u/s last week. I'm due 9/30 now! Any new aches or pains? I think I am feeling things stretching/starting to move around to make room. Wierd uncomfortable feeling.
2. When is your next appointment? Next month. Will anything special happen at that appointment? Hear heartbeat on doppler! I'll also be 13 weeks then, so we'll be announcing to the world after that appointment!
3. What are you looking forward to this week? Hopefully, getting rid of this sinus nastiness that the doc says I can't take the good sudafed for.
4. Monday confession? I am really tempted to take the good sudafed anyway. I am holding out, though.
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo n/a
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal My question - thanks for the responses! We're new to the area, so no family local who can take our dog. Hopefully, we'll be able to find someone by then who can come over and take him to boarding.
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra I just ordered a belly band, so I don't really have anything to add yet, but a friend of mine got a lot of her maternity clothes from goodwill/consignment - she said most of what they had was in pretty good shape since it's worn for such a short time!
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly n/a
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike n/a
10. Questions for next week?
Love 06/2005 | Marriage 05/28/2011 | Baby! Peanut born on his due date, 9/30/12
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? 19 weeks, a little more cramping but nothing too bad
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? 3/9 talk with our Dr about the A/S
3. What are you looking forward to this week? Buying some BOY clothes and things now that we know the sex
4. Monday confession? I stopped at Walgreens just for a Reese's egg today lol
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?
I've been doing the hair tie trick where you put it thru your loop then around your button and it works great right now!
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike
10. Questions for next week?
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? 31 weeks more braxton hicks but nothing else is new
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? Next monday. I get to start going every two weeks but that isn't very exciting
3. What are you looking forward to this week? Three day weekend and hopefully watching our boy's basketball team take state!
4. Monday confession? I almost ran late for work because I stopped for chai and a muffin.
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike I found I didn't have time to read any of my parenting books once dd was here. So my suggestion is to get all the reading in that you can now!
10. Questions for next week?
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Week 19...trucking along. Any new aches or pains? Nope, I am incredibly lucky.
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? It is next week. Nothing too special will be happening, though I will get to discuss my anatomy scan results with the Dr.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? I was actually NOT looking forward to this morning, but was nervously anticipating it, since I finally told the big news to my boss and came out of the pregnancy closet. By day's end, all 12 other employees seems to be in the loop. I am soooo relieved. It actually went pretty well.
4. Monday confession? I bought a 200 dollar pair of maternity jeans. I don't even own 200 dollar normal jeans. I swear GAP maternity drove me to it. GAP maternity jeans are truly awful for my body.
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo I would suggest getting in a lot of health oils into your diet-- like salmon and other mercury safe fish. Also some nuts and avocados are good, too. I am sure there are other things, but I am blanking.
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal I have a really old cat that needs daily attention. I think I will be putting our pet sitter on high alert when the time is nigh. She already has keys to our place.
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra I don't have to wear business attire, so my suggestions may be a little too casual-- in any case, stretchy dresses work well (wrap dresses and the like). Non-maternity ones can go the distance for awhile. I also like wearing leggings with dresses/tunics. I did not even try the band as I can't imagine walking around with my pants half done up. Problem is that buying normal pants is frustrating enough, buying maternity pants is even more frustrating.
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly ??
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike I like the Simkin book for pregnancy/childbirth, too. I don't have much yet in the child-rearing department, but the happiest baby on the block is often suggested.
10. Questions for next week? What are some of the best consignment stores for maternity clothing in Seattle proper? I don't have time to scope them all out, so I would like to do some targeted shopping soon, so suggestions would be very welcome!
IVF #1 ET 1 d3 embryo 10/30/11 BFP
3 Embryos frozen (1 d5, 2 d6)
DS born 07/29/12
FET #1 ET 1 d5 embryo 02/10/15 BFN
FET #2 1 d6 embryo didn't survive thaw, transferred last d6. CP
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? 28, my back hurts sooooo bad. Chiropractor tomorrow!
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? Thursday the 8th. We'll probably discuss diet since I passed my GTT (WOOT!) but failed my Glucose Screen.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? Still being able to eat dessert and carbs
4. Monday confession? I have been eating crappy all weekend in case I failed the test, it was like my fat Tuesday.
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal I have a friend who has a key to my house and has watched my dog before, so if he needs to be taken care of while we're at the birth center I'll give her a call and she'll be happy to take care of him.
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra The "Band" never worked well for me :-( I went to a bunch of stores and looked for inexpensive pants...but I pretty much live in one pair of maternity jeans. Watch stores for BOGO free sales, or find something that is comfy and go on eBay looking for people selling them maybe?
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike I HIGHLY recommend Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn, lots and lots of great information without being so negative and scary and I found it very easy to read. Made me feel informed and want to read more, instead of getting overwhelmed. I do *not* recommend What To Expect When You're Expecting, lots of crappy information and scare tactics.
10. Questions for next week?TTCing Questions
1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW?
Just started cycle 5
2. What are you looking forward to this week?
I'm really not; i have another six day work week and that's way more time than i'd prefer to be there.
3. Monday confession?
I woke up at 9 today... and took a nap at 10. To be fair i think i might be fighting a cold, but still, it felt a little lazy (and also awesome).
4. Has anyone read Making Babies? I'm trying the diet plan for my "type" but not sure it's making a difference besides frustrating me.
-7costanza I have heard of it but haven't read it.
5. Questions for next week?
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? Week 21, how is it going by so fast?! I started getting this random tightening in the belly. I looked up what is happening in week 21 online and behold "you may begin to experience Braxton Hicks contractions"! Completely do not hurt but seems crazy for some reason!
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? March 12, just a check up.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? Hmm... nothing really.
4. Monday confession? I'm determined to buy at least 4 boxes of Tagalongs from a little girl scout I know. My hubby does not like Tagalongs. I love them. I wonder who will end up eating ALL of them?
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal I haven't thought too much of it yet, but we have a lot of family that live in town, including my parents, and I assume that our dog will go to someone's house for a couple days but I will need to find out who would do it for us!
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike
10. Questions for next week?
TTCing Questions
1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW?
Cycle 14, 2WW. Should either get AF or a BFP this week.
2. What are you looking forward to this week?
We were supposed to go to OR for this party DH's uncle always throws himself and I'm glad we get to stay home.
Having DH's bros + wives + our niece over for dinner!
3. Monday confession?
It's Tuesday now...
4. Has anyone read Making Babies? I'm trying the diet plan for my "type" but not sure it's making a difference besides frustrating me.
5. Questions for next week?
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? Week Seven. No real issues except mild fatigue. I think I need to increase the calories a bit to compensate for the extra energy needed for this little guy.
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? Next appt is March 8th. It will be my first so it should be interesting.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? A weekend with no activities planned
4. Monday confession? I have transfered my baby obsession to buy a car obsession. I need to relax but I only seem to get more wound up.
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike
10. Questions for next week? none this week.
Love the jerky. It saves me often because I frequently just don't feel like eating but know I can't not eat. I have been experimenting with turkey jerky the past couple weeks. not bad stuff
Good idea on the nuts. I got some for the office so I don't need to pillage the community M&M's as much.
No worries. I just wanted to be able to get you added to the list since you are a frequent participant. :-)
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? 19 weeks, LO is resting with her head wedged between my left hip and pubic bone. Very uncomfortable.
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? Ultrasound at 21 weeks to check on low lying placenta.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? I hit the half way mark (20 weeks) on Friday!
4. Monday confession? It's not Monday- looks like I've procrastinated.
5. I am post gastric bypass surgery patient and very concerned about nutrition. I am religious about my vitamins, but have a protein focused diet. Does anyone have any suggestions for high quality foods to target during pregnancy? Stuff that has high nutritional value in a small quantity package? I currently have to avoid sugar, high fat, lactose, breads, pastas and rice. -looboo That's a hard one. I usually go for celery with a wedge of laughing cow cheese, but that may still be too high in fat?
6. For moms close to delivery, or 2nd + time moms who have a dog, what plans did you make/are you making for pet care while you and DH are in the hospital for the baby? -christyhal N/A
7. Creative clothing solutions. I am just starting to get a bump and the "Band" didnt hold up my pants when I was walking. But I don?t want to spend a lot on clothes - I wear business attire to work - so two wardrobes... ?nwxterra I've found most of my stuff either on sale at Motherhood Maternity (bought 3 pairs of pants to last all pregnancy) and the rest at Ross. My best shirts came from the 2x sizes at Ross (not maternity)- they even have the shirts with the cute scrunched up sides.
8. I was diagnosed with a low-lying placenta at my anatomy scan last week. The technician and the nurse gave me stats on how it most often gets corrected by later in the pregnancy, but that is not stopping me from reading all about it online and in my books and getting freaked out. Anyone else have a low-lying placenta earlier on that "moved" up or stayed low? What happens if it stays low? ?AmyInOly I just got diagnosed with it too. I'm getting conflicting advice (ultrasound dr. said pelvic rest and take it easy, OB says no restrictions). I think the main concern is bleeding, but it depends on how much of the placenta covers the cervix. My friend had a low lying placenta that corrected itself in just 2 weeks, and my research shows somewhere between 90 and 95% of them correct themselves. Good luck!
9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike My favorite pg book is "Your pregnancy, week by week" because it gives you tons of information for each week (What to expect didn't give me enough info- I read it in a few days at the beginning of pregnancy). I do like the "What to expect the first year" book though. It was very helpful when babysitting my BF's children to know what to expect.
10. Questions for next week?Once again, so late to the party.....sorry.
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? 37! I can hardly believe it. As for aches...well I ache all over now9. Any recommendations on pregnancy books or books to read to help a first time mom with the first year? ?janet&mike Great question! I am excited to see other responses.