I liked the place we toured today. One big thing is holding me back- the nap.
In her current class, Alice sleeps from 11-1 during class nap time and she naps on the way home in the car. She's tired. On the weekends, it's all I can do to keep her awake until 9:30am so she sleeps for 1.5 hours in the morning and then again around 3 in the afternoon.
The new place has nap time between 1-3. I really fear that she won't make it that late before she has a breakdown. The 1 nap right now is hard enough for her, I can't imagine what she'll be like if they push it back 2 hours. When I asked the Director about the issue, she said that most kids take about a week to adjust. But, wow... this is a big adjustment, no?
It's such a big deal to me that I think it's keeping me from pulling the trigger.
Re: Switching day care-- nap
I'm with the director. She'll adjust. I yanked V's morning nap at 9 months because it was keeping us from making A's morning activities. She was a beast for a week or two, then adjusted just fine. After that I slowly pushed her afternoon nap from 11 to 11:30 to 12 ... so on, until she was napping at 1. Yeah, you might have a trainwreck kid for a few weeks, but it's not going to harm her long term (imo). If you love the place, I'd go with it.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
Photo by Melissa Glynn
Ditto! Unless there were other issues you had with this place, I would make the switch. When DD1 went from her in-home place to her current center, she was still solidly on two naps a day. She was going to have to go down to one nap after the switch. DH and I were also really concerned but it turned out to not be too big of a deal. The transition to one nap was easy. She still took two naps on the weekends for a little while, but soon enough she was down to one nap for the entire week. It'll be OK!