I had a scheduled c-section this past August because my daughter was breech. At my 6 week check up I asked how long we should wait before conceiving again. Dr said it didn't matter, whenever we wanted. Well I got knocked up much sooner than expected and LO2 is expected 13 months after DD's birth. I asked yesterday about RCS v. VBAC and my OB said so long as this baby's vertex I can do it vaginally. I'm confused because at previous appointments he has said I couldn't have a VBAC (too risky for ruptures) and in all my online research, 13 months is too close together for a VBAC. Am I wrong? I know I have so long, but should I be considering my options already? There's a good chance this baby will be breech too (my anatomy doesn't leave much room for a vertex position), but if there's a chance I can do a VBAC, then I want to make sure it truly is an option.
Re: hi! and wondering about vbac