
? about packing bag for hospital

Did you bring a night gown and did you wear it? I brought one last time but never used it (just felt so icky) but I am wondering if I should get one just in case.  Also, if you are nursing did you get one that allows you to nurse? What other type of things did you pack in your bag? I totally forget.

Re: ? about packing bag for hospital

  • I used the hospital nursing gowns the whole time (4 nights).

    I didn't want to deal with more crap when I went home. I will do the same this time. I'm not even bringing a robe this time. A second gown worn backward will do the trick.

    I am bringing toiletries and electronics with batteries and chargers. Everything else can go hang.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I haven't packed my bag but have a list at home.  Here's what I can recall from the list:

    toothbrush, toothpaste, socks. pjs (button-down) for easy access for nursing, camera, camera battery & charger, videocamera & charger, going home outfit for me and baby, hats for baby, a few toys for DS to play with when he comes to visit, face soap, makeup (yes, makeup.  my FIL takes millions of pics and loves to email them to everyone in his address book), robe, nursing bra. 

     good luck!  hope you have an uneventful labor!

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  • I only wore a hospital gown for the first night; after that, I wore my own clothes (yoga pants & a maternity t-shirt of some kind). It just felt so much better to be in my own clothes. So if you will feel the same way, then I'd bring your own gown - if not, then go with the hospital's (less to launder when you get home). I think this time I am going to bring a robe, slippers, a shower puff, my own shampoo & conditioner, a little make-up, comb, hair dryer & flat iron, toothpaste & toothbrush, coming home outfit for baby, digital camera, baby book for hand/foot prints...and that's all I can think of right now. Oh yeah - and granny panties (I'll probably be having another c/s) and at least one pillow from home.
    Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12
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