I have twin girls that are 7 weeks old. My girls are only eating 2- 2.5 ounces each feeding, every 3 hours. My one has reflux so it's really hard to increase her yet.
I was just wondering those of you with twins around this age or when they were this age..what their schedules are/were like?? (as far as how long they sleep, how much they eat, how often they eat, tummy time, etc...)
Thanks for sharing!
Re: share your LO's Schedule...
My girls will be 9 weeks tmw and were 3 and a half wks early. I follow Babywise - eat, activity, sleep during the days.
Now, it seems like we;re really in a routine and they seem to be eating around the same time every day (for the most part) and we'll do an activity, then I can tell they need to sleep. The sleep part is hard for me, I try very hard to get them to stay asleep.
They are eating a little over 4 oz at each feeding and at least once a day they take an additional oz and a half or 2.
Hope that helps you!
what kind of activities do you do w/ them??
Tummy time (only a little bit after they eat because they sometimes spit up)
On their back in the play yard to look at the toys above
Read a story
Show them a toy and have them track it.
It can even be the toys on their bouncers, since you can't always do something with two.
As soon as they start to fidget or wine, I know they're tired and start the sleep part.
Around their due date we were really just eating and sleeping. If they were awake after eating, we'd do a couple of minutes of tummy time (they usually fell asleep) or a bath. We didn't start doing more "activities" until they were awake more. Around 2 or 3 w adjusted we started working on an eat-activity-sleep schedule (one of our babies always preferred activity -eat -sleep, something we're still working on). Even things like a walk around a store are stimulating at that age.
ETA: they were eating 1.5-3 oz (depending on the baby) every 2-3 hrs at that age. They were around 5.5 and 7 lbs at their EDD.