All right here is my birth story.
Benjamin Mason 1/27/2012 born 36wks 3 days. 6 lbs 10oz 20.5 inches vaginal delivery
Luke Dylan 1/28/2012 0010 bron 36 wks 4 days. 6 lbs 8 oz 20.5 inches born emergency c-section.
So Friday the 27th at 2am started having contractions 10 min apart til 5 am. At 5 am they were 5 min apart so i took a shower and they slowed back to 8 min apart. At 10 am contractions were timing 3-5 mins apart but i could breathe thru them. I was in denial that i was in labor. I went to lunch with my mom and to target. Contractions continued. I went and got in bed at 2 pm and started to really pay attention to contractions at 3 pm i called the ob office and they instructed me to go to l&d for labor check.
When i got to the hospital there were no more contractions of course my luck. The nurse decided to check my cervix before sending me home and found i was dilated to 5cm 90% effaced. So i got admitted and called all the family. The ob on told me not to get in a hurry since my contractioons had stalled and they were in no hurry to delivery the babies as they were doing well on the monitors. It could be a day or two before they would deliver me. He asked that i wait to get epidural until they get out of scheduled c-section since there is only one or in l&d. At 9 pm i started to really have contrcations that were painful. I asked for epidural and recieved at 930 it was really effective on the left side but ot ao much the right so i knew when i was having contractions. The epidual stalled my labor again. So they started a low dose pit. I guess they just decided since i got epidural they would help me along. I was in no hurry. I was still in denial. At 1100pm they checked me and i was dilated to 9.5 with a bulging bag. They decided to take me to or to break my water. By 1130 pm i was pushing with 6 contractions ihad delivered Ben he was taken over to isolette to be examined. Baby b then shot down shoulder presentation and got an arm out. One ob was trying to get my uterus to let go of arm And go back in while another ob tried to do a version to repostion. Baby b luke started to have decels so they decided a c- section was best. They dosed my epidural until my legs were totally limp. I could feel the pulling and cutting at first because the epidural had not reached that level but i knew that had to do it. 24 minutes after baby a was born baby b arrived. I also talked the ob i to repairing my diastisis. I also had 2nd degree tearing and an episiotomy which i had with y dd. so i was tore up. I felt lke hell after all that. My pressure were low and i was nauseated and shaking had a huge blood loss. I was taken back the room and meet my boys. Both healthy and able to stay in room with us.
We did not discharge til tuesday as i was so sore the pain was more than i expected and i was very emotionally overwhelmed.
We have been home for a week things are going well i guess. We have alot of help and are very strict about schedules. I am officially back to pre pregnancy weight. I have dropped 35 lbs in 10 days. Sorry i typed this on my ipad so sorry if there are error. I will change my ticker when i figure out how and add pics. Just thought i would share.
Re: Double whammy and two birthdays
Lurking but congrats on your babies!! I sure hope for a speedy recovery for you ;-)
Congrats to you!! I'm glad all went well - you had some good-sized babies. My girls were a bit smaller, but I was OK with that ... my DS was 9lbs 4oz. & my DD was 8lbs 12oz. ... having actual newborns instead of teenagers was refreshing!! *haha*
Congrats again .. and WOW on being back to pp weight already -- I'm so jealous!!
Mother to:
Aidan William (3/19/09)
Laila Monet (1/5/11)
Ava Selene & Chloe Corinne (2/6/12)
This sounds exactly like my birth story minus the epidural. Crazy! Congratulations
I wouldn't wish a double whammy on anyone! Mine were 37 min. apart, one born 9/29/10 and the other 9/30/10.
Hope your recovery is smooth. Great birth weights, that's a lot of baby.