
MoMs+pregnant check-in

How is everyone doing?

Now that you have two of everything from your older kids, what have you had to buy or plan on buying for this new LO? 

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Re: MoMs+pregnant check-in

  • I'm good.  Kinda scared the tingling I have in my hands is the first sign of carpel tunnel.... WAY too early!!!

    I think I'm going to pick up a RnP.  I've read great things and never got them for the boys.  Other than that, I don't think we need much in terms of gear. 

    Regardless if it's a boy or a girl, I will also need to pick up some smaller sized clothing since I tossed most of our reflux covered onesies. 



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  • I've had a cough for the past 3 weeks, self diagnosed "just a virus" but it is lingering and I'm ready for it to go away. Other than that, life is good. 

    Only main thing we don't have is a swing. We borrowed two with the boys but they are both now in use by their original owners. Other than that mainly just the disposable stuff, lansinoh, breast milk storage stuff etc. We registered at BRUS for a bunch of that kind of stuff as well as some things for the boys. No plans to have anyone purchase anything off the registry but we want the close out coupon. Wondering what else we have forgotten.

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  • imageOrangeSmoke:

    I'm good.  Kinda scared the tingling I have in my hands is the first sign of carpel tunnel.... WAY too early!!!

    I think I'm going to pick up a RnP.  I've read great things and never got them for the boys.  Other than that, I don't think we need much in terms of gear. 

    Regardless if it's a boy or a girl, I will also need to pick up some smaller sized clothing since I tossed most of our reflux covered onesies. 



    Oh I hope it isn't carpal tunnel. That stinks! 

    I've heard good things about the RnP too, but we didn't have those either. Maybe I'll look into it.  


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  • I need to buy a new swing since my colicky DD burned out the motor on ours ;) and probably two new convertible CS's so we can fit 3 across the 2nd row otherwise we are geared up. 
  • I'm doing pretty good.  I'm debating how to tell my family I'm pg again.  I'm kind of nervous to tell my mom b/c I'm sure all she will talk about is how overwhelmed I will be.  We have a family bday party next Sunday and there is no hiding this belly anymore.

    That's funny about the RNP, that is exactly what I was thinking of getting.  If it is a girl I will definitely have to buy some new clothes.  


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  • Well Allison has been in a hand me down crib that doesn't convert to a toddler bed, and poor Nessy in a pack and play (when I was PG I had these lovely dreams of the cute little babies sleeping in the same crib, so we only got one, ha) so when I got pregnant we finally decided to "finish" the nursery and bought the girls new 4in1 cribs and all new bedding, so they can switch to toddler beds when needed. The baby is going to get Allison's crib for the time being, but if he/she is anything like older DD's will be sleeping in the swing the first 6 months of life anyway!

    Other than that, if this baby is a boy I'm going to need to go shopping for boy clothes (my favorite color is pink, there's no gender neutral around here!) so needless to say H is pretty much praying for another girl, he knows my weakness for shopping!

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  • All is well here - last growth scan was great and my little peanut is back to measuring 'only' one week behind so everybody is now relaxed and it's full speed ahead.

    Funny everybody is mentioning a RnP - I was thinking the same thing. Our swing also broke (and the other one was borrowed) so debating a swing vs. RnP or both? Otherwise, we need nothing new. Finally got all the her clothes washed and put away in the nursery and feeling more prepared. 

    Also, my sister is pg and finds out the gender on Thurs - I am praying she is having a boy so I can get rid of the the 50% of clothes in the basement :)  

    Glad all you ladies are doing great. 

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  • imageMagPie08:

    All is well here - last growth scan was great and my little peanut is back to measuring 'only' one week behind so everybody is now relaxed and it's full speed ahead.

    Funny everybody is mentioning a RnP - I was thinking the same thing. Our swing also broke (and the other one was borrowed) so debating a swing vs. RnP or both? Otherwise, we need nothing new. Finally got all the her clothes washed and put away in the nursery and feeling more prepared. 

    Also, my sister is pg and finds out the gender on Thurs - I am praying she is having a boy so I can get rid of the the 50% of clothes in the basement :)  

    Glad all you ladies are doing great. 

    Oh good news on the growth scan! Must be a relief.  

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  • Good!  I'm trying not to let my mind play tricks on me because my queasiness is completely gone.  I didn't really have that with the girls, and I had it a bit more this time in the beginning, but now it's not there at all.  I know symptoms fade, and I'm certaintly not complaining b/c I'm thankful I've never had true "morning sickness," but it is weird when your symptoms subside.  Still getting plenty of uterine stretching!!  If anyone wants to reassure me, I'll take it.  ;)

    I have a few things I'll need to buy:

    1.  My breast friend pillow - a single

    2.  If it's a boy, I'll get new crib bedding/nursery decor.  But I think we may go team green.  I don't plan to set up the nursery until after the baby arrives.  We have to convert our guest room into the nursery and I don't want to give it up - especially since my BF may come to stay with me the first week the baby is here.

    3.  I'm also considering a FP rock n play - I think that's the name, like Smarda.  Or I may borrow a friend's cosleeper again.  Not sure which route we'll go.  I'm tempted to buy the traditional white bassinet that I always wanted but was silly to get with twins...we'll see.

    4.  New stroller is getting tossed around, but I'm leaning toward not getting a new one.  Unlike some of the other stroller obsessed MoMs on here (!!!) I HATE spending money on strollers.  It pained me to cough up the $300 for my city mini!  I think I'll probably get a single SNG, and wear the baby if I got out with all 3.  I'm teaching the girls now to walk with me, and I'll start doing the "walk next to the stroller" training in the spring when we are out walking more.


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