
been gone too long...back!

Hello ladies...I haven't been on the boards in so long...i now have Toddlers! I cannot believe my boys are 1...they turned 1 Dec 20th and it has just been insane....they have been walking since 10 months and well those of you with toddlers know how busy it is now! lol They are just such great boys. I have so many new anxieties now...It's hard taking them anywhere alone now b/c they just take how do I keep them from running off? lol I have a park nearby but it's not all fenced in so I'm afraid to just let me go and run free... you all gave me such amazing advice throughout the year so I'm back for more..hope thats ok!

 Also..they are still teething..teeth have been coming in very slow..they've had the bottom 2 for so long...ds1 has the top 4 almost all grown and ds2 has them just breaking in it has been cranky town...was wondering if you all ran into problems with feeding during this it just pick one year olds or does teething make them not really want food? One day they love scrambled eggs and another they want nothing to do with day they love chicken, and pasta and another they throw it off the tray which is another new thing that is driving me insane! I'm running out of food options...what do your schedules look like? what are some things I can feed the boys now? they are no longer liking oatmeal the past few weeks...uugghhhhh

 sorry this is so long but I do miss all of the advice and fun things I learn from all of you! xo

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