January 2016 Moms

Still nauseous

Hi everyone, I'm almost 14 weeks and still feel nauseous almost daily. It's usually in the evening when I'll start feeling the stomach acid/heartburn and then want/usually do vomit before going to bed. Any suggestions on food or natural ways to prevent this?

Re: Still nauseous

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    Ditto... I try to stay away from carbs and sweets in the evening because they always make me feel worse. Sometimes ginger ale helps, but I'm in the same boat you are.
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    I usually take Tums to help with the heartburn. I'm sorry it's making you sick though, that's no fun. I hope it stops soon for you.
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    Pepcid Complete (the chewable Pepcid tablets...berry...I love mint stuff but the mint Pepcid is NASTY) works like a dream for my heartburn, which I often got at night pre-pregnancy, but get EVERY night now. Almost immediately I feel better. I don't know about the nausea, but if it is caused by the heartburn, hopefully that will help! And try not to lie down after eating or drinking (easier said than done, I know).

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Also 14 weeks and feel the same way some days. Ginger tea with honey helps calm me down. I have to always have food handy. It seems like an empty stomach makes the sickness come on stronger. 
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    Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. 15 weeks today and just wtf'ing until this nausea is gone. I also now have heartburn too which is adding insult to injury. Tums help but the after taste can make me gag so I have to be careful. I thankfully haven't thrown up in a few weeks but the horrible feeling is still lingering. Waiting for this "burst of 2nd trimester energy"......
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    Yes, it seems that empty stomach makes it worse for me too. Sometimes even brushing my teeth will make me vomit. I haven't tried honey, tums or Pepcid, but I will try and see if it helps. Ginger ale used to help my car sickness and now that doesn't work either :( hang in there ladies, good to know I'm not the only one.
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    Thank you! I hope it stops soon as well :D
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    Hi guys just chipping in here! I'm 16 weeks and thought my sickness has passed!
    But two days ago straight after dinner on holidays I had to run to my room to be sick and it just happened again today after lunch!!
    I'm trying to pinpoint why and wondered could it be that i was feeling very hungry both times and the sudden food toy system just came back up? Once I vomited I felt better and then could attempt to eat again!
    Just strange since I'd been sickness free about a week up till then!
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    Do you think the sickness is any better than before?
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    17w today and I'm still sick and puking. Not as bad as before, but several days a week. It's gotta get better soon!
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