My dr took a medical retirement and his replacement is literally just out of school. She's very nice but has no experience and told me i will need a RCS (I had arrested labor). I'm not really comfortable with her, or that response. How do I find a VBAC friendly dr? I can't imagine calling around will do any good since it's so situationally specific. Any tips? Thanks!
Re: How do you find a VBAC friendly dr?
I contacted a doula and got info from her,as well as asking friends. A friend told me about her sister's vbac and it lined up with the rec I got from the doula.
Also call your hospital L&D and ask who does the most VBACs, it should give you a good idea of who is supportive or not.
Check to see if you have a local ICAN chapter. If you do, you can either go to a meeting or some chapters have email groups. My local chapter had a yahoo list serve and I joined that and asked for recommendations before ever attending a meeting.
Also, it wouldn't hurt to check your local Bump board, I also checked there and got the same recommendations as I did from our local ICAN chapter.
Good Luck!!