
**Goldie** (speech/ear tube related)

I remember reading that one of your boys got ear tubes put in and it really improved his speech. Before he got the tubes, did he have a lot of ear infections? 

Piper and Fletch don't have any words yet so we had an EI evaluation and they both qualify. However, I think Piper is just a late talker b/c lately, she's starting to pick up what sounds like words. Fletch, on the other hand, isn't saying much, and I have always suspected he has trouble hearing. Today, we had a hearing test and he failed part of the test. He could hear certain tones but not others. We go back for more tests in two weeks. So now, I'm just collecting more info on other's experiences. He hasn't had any EIs but they have said he has tiny ear canals and waxy ears. 

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