We just relocated to Paris for the year. I will try to post DD's class list later this week since I haven't had a chance to properly scope out all the cubbies yet. Nonetheless, based on names I've heard at play grounds, kids' museums, in stores, etc. in the last 10 days, I have to say I am really surprised by how popular both Emma and Charlotte seem to be. I keep hearing both of these over and over and over.
The most "refreshing" name I've heard so far is Olympia. She's the little girl assigned to be DD's partner as she transitions to her new school.
Re: Popular names based on my 10 days in France...
DH was offered a 1-year-job contract here and I work for myself, so I am completely portable. Living and working abroad is something we've been trying to figure out how to do before DD got too much older (she's adapting soooo well now) and the right opportunity happened to come up through DH's long-term employer (whom he will be returning to next January or February). We tried all kinds of things- Fulbright applications and other research grant apps, a job transfer through my previous workplace, etc. and this came along and actually worked out. I wish I had more concrete advice for you than to just say stay focused!
It's a French school, but there is a fair number of kids whose parents come from other countries and are either here temporarily or for good. DD is the only American there right now, Charlotte & Emma are both French and so are the Charlottes and Emmas I've heard being called to in various public places (it seemed).
What an awesome opportunity for your daughter!
We lived in Greece and in Japan when I was a kid, I wouldn't trade the experience for anything! We went to a British Embassy School and an International School. The class directories had students' names, addresses, parents' names, and country of origin! :-) We also were always the only Americans.
I am disappointed that Emma and Charlotte are the popular names there, haha.
That's interesting. If my last name wasn't Brown, Charlotte would be at the top of the list. Sigh.
I kind of like Olympia!
Anna, I'm so excited for you!!! What an amazing family adventure. Keep us posted, please