Baby Names

How popular do you think Elliot for a girl is going to be?

Elliot is our top pick for our second son's name, but I am hesitating because I keep seeing people on this board mentioning it as a girl's name....this is really bugging me - I do NOT want DS to have a name that in a few years will be common for a girl. WDYT? Is this a weird Nest phenomenon or do you think it is a legitimate concern?
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Re: How popular do you think Elliot for a girl is going to be?

  • I hope it's just a nest phenomenon. I don't like Elliot for a girl, and I have not personally heard it as a girl name.
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  • You can't control what happens to a name.  Everyone who named their son Aiden/Aidan before the -den craze can attest to that. 

    Elliot is a boy's name as far as I'm concerned.  I've only heard of it being used as a girls name from this board (and Scrubs).  If you really want your son to have a boy's only name, something hyper masculine might be better for you, like Gregory or Benjamin.  I can't imagine those ever going over to the girl's side the way some names have.

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  • I feel like that ship has sailed.

    I heard it a lot when Scrubs was on, but now that the show is over, I never hear people talk about that name for girls anymore. (Except on here.)

    I hope it stays that way. I think it's terrible on a girl. (I love it for a boy though!)

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  • It will NEVER be a top 10 name for a girl. It is however trendy right now, so you stand the chance of an Elliot girl in your sons class. But according to some people every boy name out there is pickings to be a girls name (I don't get it), so you run that chance with a lot of names.
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    I feel like that ship has sailed.

    I heard it a lot when Scrubs was on, but now that the show is over, I never hear people talk about that name for girls anymore. (Except on here.)

    I hope it stays that way. I think it's terrible on a girl. (I love it for a boy though!)

    All of this! 

    I really don't see it being a name that "takes off" as girls name.  Yes, there are girls w/ the name, but - I don't see it in the same light as Shannon, Ashley, etc. It just doesn't have the same feel.

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  • First and only time I heard it for a girl was also on Scrubs. It seemed a little strange to me but it worked on the show. I think if there was going to be a huge uprising of girls named Elliot it would have been while that show was still on. I think Elliot is still pretty safe as a boy only name!

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  • I'm having a girl, but Elliot was my #1 name for a boy for years but I was also having the same concerns. I didn't want my boy Elliot to have a girl Elliot in his class. It's a boy name, people!
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  • I personally think it will be a legitimately popular name for a girl, to be honest.

    Ive heard of at least 3 people IRL that are thinking of using it for their daughters(my sister included, but she ended up having a boy and naming him Eliott lol)

    I was thinking about it for awhile, but changed my mind as I dont want a "boys" name for my daughter

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  • Ick! uggggggggggggggggggggggggggh i wish there wasn't any reason to worry but i can't say you're wrong for the hesitation.
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  • I don't think it'll be crazy popular, like top 10 or anything, but I don't think Elliot for a girl is going to disappear. However, I think you should use it for your son to help KEEP it on the boy side. If we stop using the boy names that girls are stealing, it makes it easier for the girls to establish the name as theirs.

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  • I hate that people are naming their daughters Elliot, too, or any BOY name for that matter. It's still a boy name according to the SSA. But most spell it Elliott (with 2 T's). I'm sure we'll meet a few girl Carsyn's too (or however they spell it), but I'm not going to let that stop us from naming our son the boy name we like. I say keep it
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  • I know of a baby girl named Elliot who was born a few months ago. I hate it for a girl. Especially with the nickname Ellie. Yuck.
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  • I've never heard of it on a girl IRL, or even someone considering it for a girl. I only know boys with this name. When I first saw people on this board talking about it seriously for a girl, I had a huge 'WTF' moment. It's 100% boy to me. 

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  • imageRushmore:
    I hope it's just a nest phenomenon. I don't like Elliot for a girl, and I have not personally heard it as a girl name.

    This. Hopefully, it won't become a popular phenomenon. I've never heard of it for a girl IRL.

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  • Elliott is a boys name and always will be. Elliot for a girl sounds like they were hoping for a boy and kept the name regardless, IMO.
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  • My friend is due next month and is contemplating using Elliott for her daughter and calling her Ellie. She is the only person I've met IRL that has even thought of using it. I don't know how popular it will become, but I think your safe using it for you son.
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  • I have a friend who named her daughter Elliott (Ellie for short).  I wouldnt say it's becoming overly popular.  And most Elliott's seem to be going by Ellie or Elle.  I say go for it and take it back for the male team! 


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  • It was not in the top 1000 for girls last year according to the SSA. I was actually just reviewing that list yeterday and I think there were 200 something girls named Eilliot in 2010. I wouldn't buy into the pearl-clutching-all-the-boys-names-are-being-stolen-hysteria that is perpertuated on this board.
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  • imageHarper'smom:
    It was not in the top 1000 for girls last year according to the SSA. I was actually just reviewing that list yeterday and I think there were 200 something girls named Eilliot in 2010. I wouldn't buy into the pearl-clutching-all-the-boys-names-are-being-stolen-hysteria that is perpertuated on this board.

    Haha. This.

    And coming from someone with the name in my top 10 for girls. Not worth explaining why, given the dislike for boy's names on girls by the more vocal on this board.

    Why hesitate to use a name that you like for your DS just because a couple hundred girls will have the same name each year. Hopefully he'll be secure in who he is and not be troubled by the maybe one or two of them he ever comes across.

  • I personally love Elliot for a girl, and I know 3 little girl Elliot's and only 1 boy Elliot IRL.

    I wouldnt ever consider Elliot for a boy because to me it sounds too feminine, whether I knew girls with the name or not. It has a much more feminine sound then masculine sound. To me that is a reason to not use it.

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  • DD2 is Elliette... and it suites her very well. And by choosing the spelling we did I don't think anyone will look at her name and think 'boy.' 

    Ellie Bean is the nickname. And big sister turned that into Ellbaleeeen. I love it.

    If you are worried about people criticizing you for 'stealing' a boys name then maybe Ellia, Ellian, Ellet, or even Yvette. Hope this helps.

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