So my OB keeps talking about "induction" at 38 weeks. (Looks like they will let me go to 38 weeks after all.....fine by me!)
It seems like everyone here talks about scheduling c-sections but not inductions when they get to 38ish weeks.
Is this odd to be thinking about doing an induction with twins?
As of today I am 2cm and 75% effaced. 0 position. Were any of you dilated this much and able to go a little longer? I'm trying to just take it easy laying on my couch etc to go as long as possible!
Re: Inducing with Twins....
Dx: MFI- 3% morph
IUIs: Gonal-F + Ovidrel + b2b IUI= BFNs
IVF with ICSI= BFP! EDD 11/25/11
3/18- Beta #1 452! 3/20- Beta #2 1,026!! 3/27- First u/s- TWINS!
Our twin boys arrived at 36w5d due to IUGR and a growth discordance
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
My Blog - It's All Part of the Adventure
My OB said they plan for a scheduled induction at 38 weeks (provided head down for at least twin A and twin A is bigger) if I haven't had them by then. It sounds pretty much the same as my doc.
(And I know it's different and all, but I had REALLY easy induction labors with both my singleton boys. You'll hear no end of horror stories, but I have had great experiences! Good luck!!)
Exactly this, but I was 39w2d, and no signs of labor starting naturally any time soon.
ID Twin girls 04/2012
Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017