I was disappointed that it was so "housewife" and not as much focused on life with multiples. And, I would have loved to see a family with infant multiples as opposed to toddlers and up. I'll probably give it another chance (really, what else am I going to watch in the evenings? haha) but so far I'm not loving it. What did you think??
Re: Texas Multi Moms- did you watch?
It was TOTALLY real housewives. And Stephanie, no one likes you because you're a bittch. (But you already knew that and love that, I'm sure.)
Anyway, I read Suz's blog and like some of the other people, so I'll probably DVR and fast-forward through most of it.
I KNEW it would be all RH, but I watched anyway.
I will admit that I thought it wasn't as bad as I assumed it would be - in terms of comparing it to the RH franchise. I assumed everyone would be upper class, but I was happy to see there was a mixed financial demographic. And they all weren't like Cindy from RHONY, they actually were involved with their kids.
All that being said, I thought it was cheesy, and not very interesting. I laughed hard at the dig that the twin mom made at the triplet mom when she didn't have one parachute for each child (so three total), and said that it was "MoM 101" to do that. So cheesy.
On the TTGP board the women there found it "fascinating." I'm glad someone posted here, because I kept meaning to and was curious what you guys thought.
It was RH except normal people. And not interesting at all. At least RH are rich and have expensive clothes and stuff to oogle over. It was an insult to Texas (IMO) and I was less than impressed.
I'd rather watch Quints by Surprise.
Hahah - totally! I swear that 1/3 of the reason I watch RH is because I love seeing their shoes, sunglasses, and purses! The other 1/3 is because I love looking at their homes/parties, and the other 1/3 is the drama - the ridiculous, absurd drama.