Cloth Diapering


I just put 1 tablespoon of planet 2x liquid in my diaper hot wash. it made a lot of bubbles!!!!!!! if you use planet how much are you using?? I always do an extra short wash to make sure everything is rinsed out anyway, so I will be doing that next. I hope the bubbles all come out. I have an old school top loader...
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Re: planet?

  • I envy your old school top loader.

    As for bubbles, I just don't worry anymore. If you do an extra rinse, that should be sufficient.

  • I find I have to use a good bit of planet - I think I fill it to about 3/4 of the cap.  I always do a extra rinse.  If I do too little planet, my diapers still smell.
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  • I wound up doing a tablespoon. It wasn't my full load I usually do though. They seemed to come out nice and clean. No bubbles in the rinse. we'll see how LO's skin does! 
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