This pregnancy was so easy until 26 weeks. Then all of the sudden my cervix shortened to 2cm and I got put on bed rest. Two weeks later it was down to 1cm, and luckily since then it's stayed the same.
Last Thursday I went to my OB for a follow-up and my BP was up to 130/90. My OB was concerned and said to monitor it at home (we have an at home cuff) and before I went to bed it spiked and went up to 164/114. I called in and they had me go down to L&D and I was admitted until Saturday afternoon. All of the tests came back good and while my BP was still fluctuating somewhat, they let me out for the holidays with the promise that I'd check my BP, take it easy, and go back for tests today. My BP would go up if I was sitting up or lying on my back, but go down if I laid on my side, I guess because of where the girls are.
The tests today all were good. But my BP was high this morning when I woke up and I had been sleeping on my side, and then this afternoon it was high again after I took a nap on my side (149/101). It keeps fluctuating and I have no idea why. If I eat and sit up to let my food digest my BP goes up high, but if I lay down right after eating like my doctor wants I get ridiculous heartburn that makes me get sick. I just don't know why it goes up even after laying down and how I'm supposed to manage my BP and heartburn at the same time. If my BP keeps fluctuating they'll take the babies early. They should be fine now if we have to deliver them, but it still worries me.
While in the hospital my OB also told me that they'll probably push up my c-section a few days so that she can get one of her partners in on the c-section with her. She's concerned that with my BP and the fibroids that I have (3 of them, all in a bad position for a c-section, but both babies are breech) there could be excessive bleeding and she wants an extra pair of hands in there in case something goes wrong. She also said that if there are complications she wants me to be prepared for the possibility of doing a hysterectomy. H and I are pretty sure we only want two kids, but that wasn't a decision we wanted to make now. I just don't know how we went from things looking decent a week ago to a few days in the hospital and a possible hysterectomy now.
Sorry for the long vent, I'm just so stressed now and had to get this off my chest. I'm trying not to worry since its all out of my control and I need to relax to help with my BP, but I feel so helpless. I also feel like such a burden because my mom and husband don't want me driving myself to my appointments an hour away, so my mom has to come and pick me up 2-3 times a week for all of my appointments. I just can't wait until the girls are here and healthy and home and all of this is just a distant memory!
Re: So frustrated! - Long, vent
Hang in there! It will all become a distant memory. I promise - I went through bed rest for 13 weeks then sectioned for severe pre-e. I have completely forgotten it (almost all of it). They will be here before you know it!
I'm sorry things are going so rough for you. It seems like a cruel joke that if you sit up to avoid heartburn after eating, your BP suffers...and if you cater to lowering your BP, you get heartburn. That isn't fair!
Hopefully things will smooth out for you soon, and that your c-section will be less difficult than the OB is predicting.
BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d
This totally. Towards the end I was miserable and didn't think I'd make it one minute longer. I just wanted it to be over, but honestly I have really forgotten all of it until we found out we were pregnant w/ #3. Hang in there!! You're almost done!!
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
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