Late Term and Child Loss

baby pictures

After baby Gary was born the hospital took several pictures for us.  He looks really good in the pictures... he was still pink and just looks like he's sleeping, nothing graphic or inappropriate.  Still, somehow I feel strange showing family and friends the pictures, like they won't want to see pictures of my dead baby (sorry to be so blunt).  At the same time, I'm so proud of my little boy and I want to show him off.  I'm torn about what to do.  Anyone else feel this way?
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


Re: baby pictures

  • Yes I did feel like that but my wanting to show her off part won over and I showed anyone I thought would appreciate seeing my baby.  But this is totally your choice and if you don't want to share- you don't have to.  Maybe take some time and keep them to yourself for now and then you can share them when you are more comfortable doing so.  I am so glad you got good pictures that you can treasure forever either way.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I have felt that way a few times but then I remember that if they are bothered by it, that is their problem, not mine. The pictures you are describing sound gorgeous and you are right-he's your little boy- show him off!  I'm sure we'd all love to see a picture of him here if you'd like to share it.
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  • Yes. I would love to show Jack off but I don't know if everyone is willing to see a picture of him. I pretty much showed it off to anyone who wanted to see it. I think Jack is beautiful and I want to show him off but I guess I can understand if it's hard for people to see the picture

    TTC since November 2009. DH diagnosed with sperm antibodies. IUI #1 = BFN IUI #2 = BFN On the road to IVF.... Egg Retrieval Jan 21, 2011 16 eggs retrieved Egg transfer Jan 26, 2011 Only 2 viable eggs transferred. 1 IVF, 1 ICSI IVF #1 = BFP :-) 10/3/11 No heart beat at 38 weeks: Our baby Jack became an angel 12/14/11 = natural BFP Rainbow baby Samantha Jacklyn born8/8/12. Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • When Adam first died, I put a link on my blog of pictures of Adam's last day, giving people the option to look.  Now I don't care.  I played a video of pictures of his life at his first birthday/memorial event, including pictures of him hospitalized.  I think there were a couple of him already gone.  I warned people in the beginning because they are sad.  I really debated for months on whether to show that video.  Honestly though, it was all part of his life, and it was his memorial.  I'm also very proud of the 2 months I got with him and wanted to show his life, all of his life. 
  • In my case our baby girl wasn't fully developed so i feel the pictures while beautiful to me, might be disturbing to others. I want to share them with my family but no one asks and I don't feel comfortable just bringing them out. I think about putting the picture of her feet in a frame somewhere in the house but I just haven't found the right frame yet :)


    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have pictures of Kamryn at her funeral, and at her recieving service.  They are in her scrapbook that I had been making from the time she was born.  I leave the book out on our end table and anyone that asks if they can see it I simply tell them that I would love for them to look but just so they know the end of the book has pitures of her in angel state.
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