
Update on my sons surgery

DS surgery went well. He had some problems with his oxygen once was out of surgery and awake for awhile. They were able to put him on oxygen and help him breath for awhile. He is doing great now and off oxygen. We have to wait for the biopsy relsults to come in next week. GI specialist said we aren't going to quit trying until we get answers. So that was comforting. He is starting to lose weight from not eating his food. He is tired and cranky. But doing well.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. Please continue to keep them coming. We need him to eat.

Hope everyones LO are well.Merry Christmas.

Jenn Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: Update on my sons surgery

  • I'm so glad to hear he is doing well. Thanks for the update! And Merry Christmas!!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers  
  • That's a pretty good update! I hope the figure it out soon. Hope your Christmas is filled with love <3
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  • So glad he is recovering well! T&P that things get figured out soon.
    BFP#1 9/14/10 (EDD 5/21/11); no fetal pole 6w6d, 7w4d, d&c 10/8
    BFP#2 3/16/11, beta 138; 4/12 Baby/HB DS born 9/10/11 at 29w4d due to partial abruption and PTL
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    BFP#3 8/19/13 Another boy! 17P, modified bedrest and Nifedipine helped us have a termie! DS2 born 4/19/14 at 38w5d.
  • I am so glad everything went well and he's doing good.  I'm so glad the Dr is so determined to find out what's going on as well.  Sending lots of continued T&Ps to you, your son and your family. 
    TTC #1 since 8/09
    BFP#1 - 9/2/10, EDD 5/14/11, Twins Hannah and Liam lost 11/7/10 @ 13w1d.
    BFP #2 - 2/9/11, EDD 10/13/11, LO lost 2/13/11 @ 5w4d
    BFP #3 - 5/9/11, DS born 1/13/12

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    ~*~My BFP Chart~*~Our Story~*~
    ~*~Labor Buddies with Sweet Turnip - Welcome Baby Girl 2/23/12 & Aluenna - Welcome Ivy 1/6/12~*~
  • Im happy that his surgery went well. I truely hope the doctors are able to give you answers soon.
    image image imageLilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I'm glad he is doing well. Hugs!
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