TTC after 35

What do I do?

So my RE's office doesnt have any openings for a saline sonograhm which they require for any kind of treatment/diagnosis, so I called my OBGYN, she can get me in to do it this fri, then I get this call from teh RE's office saying my prolactin levels were high and the dr wants you to take meds, and I tell them that I got the saline sono with my OBGYN, and they are like well the RE might make you do it over, depends on how its done, isnt this stuff standard? I definately dont want to do it  twice? Their answer is like there are openings in this other office which is like prob about 1 and a half hrs away but I dont have time to go there, I cant even got a day off work this month!

I am so irritated and frustrated that I dont even know what to do? I feel like i have had it with this RE's office that keeps wanting me to go to the other office, hello I made an appt at this office for a reason!!!!

Re: What do I do?

  • Honestly if it were me I would probably wait to have the RE's office do the sonogram.  The RE is probably more expert in diagnosing the things you want them to be looking for (polyps, fibroids, septum, etc.).  The wait can suck, I know.
  • imagebrooklynesque:
    Honestly if it were me I would probably wait to have the RE's office do the sonogram.  The RE is probably more expert in diagnosing the things you want them to be looking for (polyps, fibroids, septum, etc.).  The wait can suck, I know.

    I agree. I'm in a similar situation with my RE insisting I have my next CD 3 b/w and u/s at his office, even though I had planned to be out of town that weekend. At the end of the day, I appreciate my RE wanting to manage my care so thoroughly. 

    But I totally sympathize with you on the wait and I wish they would find a way to squeeze you in this month! 


    TTC #2 since July 2010
    FSH = 11 (20 on day 10 of CCCT)/ AMH = .98 / AFC=12ish
    5 IUI's with oral meds = all BFN
    March 2012 IVF (MDL Protocol) Started stims 3/3; ER 3/11 (9R, 8M, 7F) ET 3/16 (5dt of 2 blasts graded 3AB and 3BA, 3 frosties(!!) Beta 3/26 = 386; Beta 3/28 = 827; u/s 4/11 says TWINS! Boy/Girl Twins delivered at 36 weeks 6 days

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • I know the wait is tough when you are going through the initial testing, but you will be surprised how fast things will pick up when you actually start cycling. 
    Single Mother by Choice. Life didn't work out the way I planned so I did it on my own. IUI #s 1-3, unmedicated = BFN, IUI #s 4-6, 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel = BFN IVF #1: 23R, 20M, 17F. 5 day transfer 2 blasts. 2 Snowbabies BFP 6dp5dt, Beta #1 7dp5dt = 58, Beta #2 9dp5dt = 114, Beta #3 10dp5dt = 187 1st Ultrasound = 5/3, not much to see yet. 2nd Ultrasound = 5/17, TWINS!!! Hospital Bed Rest at 32 weeks due to pre-ecclampsia and severe edema. Audrey Grace, 5lbs9oz, & Lydia Louise, 6lbs, born via emergency c-section on 12/6/12 at 36w1d My IVF Journey
  • For what it is worth - I agree with the pp. Although the wait sucks I would let the RE handle it. GL to you!
    M-43 DOR (FSH 20 AMH 0.16, AFC 4-6) Endo stage III DH-42 (low everything)
    TTC #1 unofficially since 6/09, officially since 10/10
    6/11 RE testing,rt tube blocked with hydro, 8/11 lap surgery rt tl
    IVF#1 10/11 Estrace,450 Follistim, 15 units low-dose HCG, DHEA - cancelled (only follie growing)
    IVF#2 started stims 11/4/11 - same protocol, increase in concentration of HCG, added CoQ10, no response, cancelled on CD 12
    12/2/11 began accupuncture; Break in Dec. Next cycle anticipated in Jan.
    PAIF/SAIF Welcome
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