I can't remember if I asked this question on this board or another, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask again.
Since I was about 30 weeks, I have had on my gum what's called a "pregnancy tumor" which is pretty much a squishy lump that bleeds like crazy whenever I try to brush the spot. It's gotten worse over the past few weeks, and tonight I have had enough! I've always had good teeth, so it's annoying that something like this has come up.
I was wondering whether or not any of you have/have had this problem and what you did about it. Did yours go away after delivery, like the books say? I just don't want to go to the dentist and them tell me they can't do anything until after baby gets here. I'm considering just waiting it out until D-Day arrives.
Re: anyone have a "pregnancy tumor" on gum?
That's true. I'll have to check into it.
It also doesn't help any that I HATE the dentist. I might just have to suck it up though...
1/12/13 DD was born
4/9/16 DS was born
9/17 CP
6/23/18 BFP EDD 3/4/19
I'll have to start doing that tomorrow to see if it makes any difference. Thanks!
I have one on my lower lip. Its called a pyogenic granuloma aka "pregnancy tumor". It is caused by trauma at the site.
I had my teeth cleaned in September and the hygenist must have pinched that area or put pressure on my lip to cause it. I went to the dentist to have it looked at and they referred me to an oral surgeon to have it removed, but they cannot see me until after my due date. Most of the information I have found says that they can be removed easily, however, if they are removed during the pregnancy they can grow back. My advise is to just wait until after you deliver.
I had an molar pulled 2 years ago when I was pregnant with my last.. now pregnant with this one almost exactly 2 years later my wisdom tooth is coming in and I'm 32 and 37.5 weeks
they told me pregnancy hormones cause teeth and gums to bleed, get infection, tooth movement, abscess and all kinds of stuff