
Speaking of tantrums...

Miles decided to have his first public tantrum today. We were at an appointment (doctor's office)and he did really well for about an hour. As I started to get things gathered to leave he decided, for some reason, that he didn't want to leave. He proceeded to throw himself to the floor, kicking and screaming. So, I just stood there and told him, "When you're finished, we'll leave" and let him do his thing. I got some GLARES from other moms. What did they expect me to do...pick him up and carry him out while kicking and screaming? Did I handle it wrong? What would you have done?

Re: Speaking of tantrums...

  • I think it really depends on your child. I typically inform my children that if they can't quit the tantrum, I will pick them up and take them home, and then I follow through. I don't think you handled it wrong, but I know my kids aren't capable of calming down with so many people around, in a strange environment.
  • I think you handled it well. From everything I've heard, it's best to ignore them in that situation. Plus, I don't know about you, but at 18 weeks pg, I'm in no condition to pick up a kicking-and-screaming toddler. Sometimes it's hard enough to change his diaper (since he likes to kick when I do it now).
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