Tomorrow is going to be a big day for us... I have an interview for a work from home position that would be PERFECT for me. I would get a raise and save a ton of money in gas (currently have an hour commute each way).
DH is currently a contractor with a healthcare company and works at a manufacturing plant in their occupational health clinic. He received a voicemail from his boss at the healthcare company today regarding his contract. He's been having an awful week and he said that something felt off when he left today. He wasn't able to talk to his boss yet, but he might be let go. Hopefully that's not what it is.
So with both situations, please send good vibes, thoughts, prayers, whatever our way!
Re: Could use some good vibes...
You got it! Job stress is about the worst kind, IMO. I hope tomorrow goes well, and that today was just 'off' and nothing more for your DH.