So I read Babywise and I guess we have been doing this all wrong. We were doing Feed/nap/awake so now we have a problem. My babies eat and want to go to sleep. I know I can change their diapers etc to wake them up to finish feeding but then they just fall asleep again. The book had suggestions like rocking and singing, going for a walk, out shopping etc but my girls always sleep during these events so I need to know what to do to keep them awake after a feeding. And what if they fall alseep 1/2 through awake time. I am going to try to do a 3 hour schedule where they eat for 1 hour, awake for 1 hour, then sleep for 1 hour. They are 14 weeks (6 weeks early) so I think they should be able to do this, then I hope to go to a 4 hour once we have that worked out.
Also, during the nap time how long did you let your babies cry?
Thanks a bunch!
Re: Babywise help please!
At 3 months old, I think 2 hours of awake time is way too much, especially if your girls were even a few weeks before 40 weeks. Sleep stuff is almost always, always based on adjusted age. Mine were "full term" at 37w but their sleep development is almost exactly 3 weeks behind their actual age.
This website has an awesome breakdown of average awake times by age:
At 3 months old I didn't let them cry at all at naps. I'd wait to respond to see if was just fussing but I never let them all-out cry until they were much, much older. Minimum age for any sort of sleep training is 4 months adjusted.
just do your best to interact with them a bit after they eat - to keep them awake for a little bit- but know that "play" at that age isn't much... and not long- esp since yours were born early.
And BW is not CIO--- you shouldn't be letting them cry for more than a minute... the idea behind the crying in BW is that you don't respond to every little wimper - but that you listen for a minute to see if they really need you, or they are just fussing a bit- and will work it out and go back to sleep.
My little Gibby needed to cry for 3 minutes before a nap - even if I was holding him- this was his thing - i knew the cry- it wasn't that he needed me - it just was his way of winding down- and I'd time it and EVERY time it was 3 minutes - then he'd go right to sleep.... but you have to learn your baby's cries - it takes some time- but you'll figure it out.