Pre-School and Daycare

Gummy vitamins

Do your pedis or dentists have anything to say about these? I've been giving them to DD for over a year and most of the other kids I know her age take them, too. A friend was just telling me her pediatric dentist said they've been linked to an increase in tooth decay and urged her to stop using them. She has had a very hard time finding non-gummy chewable vitamins for kids in regular stores.

It has never come up with DD's dentist.

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Re: Gummy vitamins

  • I've been able to buy regular chewable vitamins in every regular store around here for dd.  Flinstones even makes a tiny chewable for 2 and 3 year olds. We never used the gummy's because DD needs vitamins with added iron because she's mildly anemic, and those don't come in gummy form.  We give dd fruit snacks,fruit chews,fruit ropes etc, tho, and I think it's probably the same issue.  But she has her teeth brushed 2x a day, and flossed most days, so I am not stressed. At her 3 year old visit her teeth looked great, no issues.


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  • Our dentist is pretty adamant that we don't give gummy vitamins and really really limit any type of gummy candy or fruit snacks.  We don't give vitamins at all so it's not an issue. 

    Mama to Lucy (7/06), Lexi (5/09), and Max (11/11) M/C 12/17/10
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  • I give DS gummy vitamins every day, this has never come up at any of his dentist appointments and he has been going regularly since he was 2.
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  • Ds's dentist is very opposed to gummy anything, fruit snacks or sticky candy or fruit. However, we give ds a gummy vitamin D every night. We floss and brush his teeth within 10 minutes (I floss and brush him myself twice per day and let him do it after I finish). His teeth are in perfect shape. He does not get candy though and at home we don't eat grains or anything with processed sugar (although he does get some at school) so I would say he eats a great diet overall and has limited exposure to those things. If you are going to give them, just do it right before flossing and brushing. 
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  • We found a sugar free chewy vit that we use with the girls and they take them right before they brush their teeth.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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