Cloth Diapering

Those who use Tide...

Tide Original Powder =/= Tide Ultra Original Scent Powder

Am I right?  I just don't want to get the wrong one.  Does Target or WalMart carry Tide original powder? 

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Re: Those who use Tide...

  • No one carries the original Tide Powder anymore (P&G doesn't make it anymore).  You can sometimes find it places like Big Lots still.  Most people have switched over to the ultra version of original Tide Powder.

    I don't use it, but I think most people use around 2 tbsp of the ultra version per load.

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  • They don't make the original anymore.  I use 2 Tbs. of Ultra in my toploader.  Basically, it's more concentrated than the original, so you use less.
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