They just need to pass it in order to cook. ? Argh! ?This is why I should have a BETTER filing system. ?If only I had time. ? Maybe this next summer (if I decide to keep on teaching). ?
Okay. ?I *really* have to get to work. ?Oh, and you are a better person than I am. ?I do NOT want to buy a house that needs remodel for the exact same reason you are going through. ?Wes could do it, but I don't know if I could stand it1?
I had a hard time keeping papers straight too. It always happened to me with late work. I swear I couldn't come up with a better "system" than what I had. I didn't even have my own classroom (I was on a cart traveling from room to room it sucked ass.) Anyway I had to be super organized and I would still lose stuff. ugh. Being a teacher is hard!
Re: I file all of my papers,
No one would borrow it. ??
They just need to pass it in order to cook. ? Argh! ?This is why I should have a BETTER filing system. ?If only I had time. ? Maybe this next summer (if I decide to keep on teaching). ?
Okay. ?I *really* have to get to work. ?Oh, and you are a better person than I am. ?I do NOT want to buy a house that needs remodel for the exact same reason you are going through. ?Wes could do it, but I don't know if I could stand it1?
It is hard to keep organized. ?Before I had Lucas, I could keep up on my grading, but now, I can't.