DS has decided that he's up for the day at 4:30 or 5 each day for the past week. He's always been a relatively early riser (6:30 or 7 at the very latest and we get him up at 6:30 on PS days), but this is ridiculous. It's not the time change because he was fine adjusting to that. But now he barges into our room and basically demands we get up with him. Needless to say, DH and I are frustrated, mad, and tired! Nothing has changed as far as bedtime (7:30-8) and he just doesn't seem tired in the morning and is ready to get up. I'm not sure I understand what is happening, but we need to get him to stay in his room. We let him get in our bed, but he's clearly not going back to sleep regardless. Plus, I hate to start this new bad habit.
Does anyone have advice? Do these type of clocks help at all? Any thoughts?
Re: Thoughts on Ok to Wake (or similar) clock? Need help with DS
We have this one:
for DD and it's been great. We told her she can't leave her room until the clock turns green and that if she wakes up before that, she can play quietly in her room. First few times, she barged in per usual and we just asked "is your clock green?" "No." "Then go back to your room and wait until it is." It's really worked and I like the added features of helping her tell time as she gets older.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
We have this same one and have been really happy with it.
We also have this same clock. It worked wonders for us. His clock turns green at 7 and he is pretty good about staying in there until it turns green. And I also really like that its not me deciding when its time. Like if he gets up too early and comes out I tell him the clock will let him know when its time so I am not the bad guy. My husband did say its tough to program and figure out at first, just a heads up.