TTC since 06/2010
IUI#1-(May) 100mg of clomid +trigger + progerstrone supp=BFN
IUlI#2-(June) 100mg of clomide+trigger+progesterone supp=BFN
JuLy Break for vaca. IUI#3 (Aug) 100mg of clomid+trigger+progesterone=BFN
IVF trial started in Oct-Nov
ER-15 Retrieved, 13 mature, 11 fertilized. 5dt on 11-15-11
Beta #1 9dp 5dt= 107 Beta#2 331
Re: ** amanda and EMNTOM**
I believe Amanda got a BFP but I haven't heard her results from the beta yet...
I am 10dp3dt and still havent POAS. I promised DH that I wouldn't after our 5th and last IUI we received a false positive. TMI WARNING: I had some cramping with a pinkish discharge on 7dp3dt with a few specks of blood (hoping/praying that it was implantation) since the cramping has stopped and the spotting has pretty much stopped. I say pretty much because yesterday I hit my cervix pretty hard with the endometrin applicator yesterday afternoon. I had a bit of brown discharge last night and this morning but it looks like it went away again. I have been told that the endometrin can irritate your cervix so again praying that it is just the endometrin. Beta is on Monday. I am mostly scared of Monday. I really do not want to hear that our IVF is a failure but am also trying to prepare myself for the worst...
I hope your 2ww is treating you well so far. My first week was pretty easy, the second week has been awful between the spotting and the waiting. GL
My Blog
TTC #1 Since June 2007
April 2008 Diagnosed with Unexplained Infertility
5 failed IUI cycles
2009-2011 IF Treatment Break - saving for IVF and TTC on our Own... Praying for a miracle
IVF (Long Lupron) Bravelle & Menopur, ER on 11/4 (Retrieved 17 eggs - 16 mature & 16 fertilized!)3dt on 11/7 (Transfered Two "perfect" 8 Cell 0% Frag Embryos) = BFFN
Nov 2011 - July 2012 Taking time off to heal before FET
(We have three beautiful frosties waiting for us)
FET August/September 2012 = BFP!!!
ET (8/31) 2 Expanded Blastocysts & 1 Collapsed Blastocyst
Beta#1 (9/14) 14dp5dt = 1309 Beta#2 (9/19) 19dp5dt = 7557!! 1st U/S (9/28) 1 Beautiful Heartbeat! 8 Weeks 2 Days 2nd U/S (10/9) Heartrate=184!!! EDD: 5/19/13
Thank you, I hope you are right! Part of me wants to remain hopeful but the IF part of me wants to protect myself and prepare for the worst. I keep trying to remind myself that I cannot change the outcome, I have done everything I can do, and that if it doesn't work we have three beautiful frosties so we can try again.
I hear you, I have to return to work after the beta... that is going to be a L O N G afternoon! We are hosting Thanksgiving at our home so I am a little scared of how I will handle it if this cycle is a bust.
Yes the endometrin can cause all kinds of things like cramping... or so that is what everyone is telling me. Also my nurse assured me that many women cramp throughout their 2ww and even through out their pregnancy - it can be normal so try not to worry! I was doing fine with the suppositories until yesterday when I jabbed my cervix. Make sure to go slowly, I was at work and rushing. GL
My Blog
TTC #1 Since June 2007
April 2008 Diagnosed with Unexplained Infertility
5 failed IUI cycles
2009-2011 IF Treatment Break - saving for IVF and TTC on our Own... Praying for a miracle
IVF (Long Lupron) Bravelle & Menopur, ER on 11/4 (Retrieved 17 eggs - 16 mature & 16 fertilized!)3dt on 11/7 (Transfered Two "perfect" 8 Cell 0% Frag Embryos) = BFFN
Nov 2011 - July 2012 Taking time off to heal before FET
(We have three beautiful frosties waiting for us)
FET August/September 2012 = BFP!!!
ET (8/31) 2 Expanded Blastocysts & 1 Collapsed Blastocyst
Beta#1 (9/14) 14dp5dt = 1309 Beta#2 (9/19) 19dp5dt = 7557!! 1st U/S (9/28) 1 Beautiful Heartbeat! 8 Weeks 2 Days 2nd U/S (10/9) Heartrate=184!!! EDD: 5/19/13
Hi Em and Lucky!
I did get a BFP, but my betas are not getting me out of the woods yet. First beta 16 days after ET was 446, but then 2 days later, it was only up to 765. I am going to get another one tomorrow morning, and I would appreciate your T&Ps that it is going up, up, up.
I hope you both get your BFPs soon!
IVF #1 ET 1 d3 embryo 10/30/11 BFP
3 Embryos frozen (1 d5, 2 d6)
DS born 07/29/12
FET #1 ET 1 d5 embryo 02/10/15 BFN
FET #2 1 d6 embryo didn't survive thaw, transferred last d6. CP