
how long did your preemie stay in the infant car seat?

Annie is such a little nugget - she is 10 months old, not quite 14lbs and 27 inches (I think).  She will likely stay in the bucket seat until at least a year.  I could transfer to a RFing car seat now if I wanted to, but the bucket seat is so easy!  But is it weird for a baby over a year old to stay in the infant seat?

Re: how long did your preemie stay in the infant car seat?

  • What's the length limit on your car seat?

    Kevin is 11 months and 13 1/2 lbs but he's 26" long.  So I need to switch him to a convertible seat when he hits 30".  I don't care about his age - I'll keep him in the infant seat as long as it's safe.   I think the advice is to switch when they are within an inch of the length limit.

  • We kept our girls in their seats until this weekend and changed on their birthday. I was "embarrassed" to have the girls in the buckets over a year.  I am going to try to go shopping with them today and see how it goes, if it is a fail for them to ride in the cart at the store, then we are are going back to buckets until they are ready.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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  • Not wierd at all. Go by the car seat's weight limit (unless baby is really really long in proportion to her weight). It's the safest guide. If you really want to switch her to a different rear-facing seat, make sure she fits the minimum weight limit. Keeping her in the seat that is appropriate for her weight is probably safest.
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  • It is fine to keep them in it past a year.  Once my son hit around 18 pounds I decided it was way too heavy for me any longer and he would be more comfortable in the big seat, so I switched him around 10 months.  I did not wait for weight and height limit- i did it purely based on my comfort and his.
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  • My kid is 15 months old and still in the infant seat.  The limit goes up to 32 inches so we'll probably switch it out as he gets closer to that.  But I think we still have another couple of months before we have to worry about it. 
    TTC with unexplained IF since 8/2007 6 losses, one beautiful perfect boy in our arms Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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