Just venting. I know I've mentioned before about her still not STTN. Even though at around 3 months she was and stopped after that. She is seriously like waking up every 2-3 hrs. Her longest stretch will be from when she goes down (Around 7:30) to either 11:30 or 12:30. After that it's up every 2 hrs. Sometimes the cycle will start at 10:30.
She has two bottom teeth already. I don't know if she's teething. Is it gas. WTH!. When DH mentioned the sleeping at her apt this Friday, the doctor was like "Oh it's normal".
Last night for the first time I gave her some water in the middle of the night at about 2:30 instead of bm. Just trying different things. I don't know if it's gas or what? She's supposed to be getting better with her sleep and she's getting worse!
Re: DD is like a newborn again with her sleeping..
Sleep training wouldn't ever be talked about if all babies got progressively better at sleeping. Truth is, most aren't that way. Some fall into habits really easily, and it gets tougher and tougher to break them as they age.
Good luck. I know you've struggled and being sleep-deprived + working is torture.
I can't imagine having to go to work with the way my kid sleeps so I try not to complain his schedule but yeah, it blows and I don't see any improvement.
Exhaustion brought me to co-sleeping the majority of the night and I feel like that's made things worse.
DS 6.12.11
Hypermenorrhea, Anovulatory & Hypothyroid
My Lack of Ovulation Chart
My LO has gotten a little better he usually wakes 2-5 times a night. I haven't tried water, but I might now!
If it makes you feel any better, I end up sleeping on his floor most nights. Sometimes we sleep on the floor together
(to avoid co-sleeping in my bed) I also dont have to worry about him falling off the bed if we sleep ion the floor. wacco 
DS Desmond Alexander 6.9.11
DD Vivienne Elena 12.16.13
? EDD 3/29/2018
Lol. This morning I considered co-sleeping but I'm afraid she won't get out of that habit. I did let her sleep on my bed for a few hrs Saturday night because nothing else was working to put her back to sleep. I layed down and let her feed until she was tried.
Lisa, I let her cry it out longer now because I'm so damn tired but it hardly works. I have been able to rock her on two occaisons but that's about it. I'm going to buy a bigger nipple and try some oatmeal in her bottle last feeding.
It's tough with work, I mean concealor can only do some much with under eye circles lol, but not every day is tough. Some nights are better than others.
Its a good thing you're smokin' hot then lol
DS 6.12.11
Hypermenorrhea, Anovulatory & Hypothyroid
My Lack of Ovulation Chart
I also have a couple of non-sleeping babies. One sleeps better than the other, and at one point one of them STTN consistently but it comes and goes. Right now, this is my typical night:
7:00 -both babies to bed
10:00 - E wants a nightcap, after which I go to sleep.
2:00 - N wakes to eat & it takes a few tries before he goes back to sleep, sometimes up to an hour.
4:00 - E wakes to eat, goes right back to bed
5:00 - I'm up for the day
6:00 - N wakes up
6:30 - E wakes up
7:00 - I leave for work
It's been worse, but it's also been better. If N would go right back to sleep, I could handle it.
BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.