
I get so bent out of shape over little things (

We went to the pumpkin patch today and I got pics of A, my sister, my sister's friend and her little girl. I have a few of just myself laughing that my sister took when I had her hold my camera for a minute. But I have not one of me and A. Of course A started melting down and I was trying to distract her for just a minute so that we could get one. But it didn't work and my sister got all huffy when I asked her to take one. I know I should have tried  to get it when we first got there but she was so excited and all over the place.

I was seriously so aggravated that I walked back to the parking lot alone and cried. How ridiculous is that? I'm glad she had fun but I have so few pics of me and her it makes me sad. I think it just aggravated me more b/c I don't think my sister gets it. I don't have a lot of pics of my mom and myself growing up and I don't want that to be the case with A.

Anyway, I need to take my happy self to the kitchen and bake this birthday cake.


Re: I get so bent out of shape over little things (

  • Don't feel bad.  I feel the same way sometimes.  I get so tired of always having to be the one taking pics.  No one seems to take the lead and get pics of me with DD like I do with everyone else.  It is so damn frustrating.
  • Aww, hugs.  That would have made me feel badly, too.  I'm sorry you didn't get your picture :(  Sometimes the little things that sting like that are the hardest to get over. 
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  • I'm with you.  If anything were to happen to me, DS wouldn't even know what his mom looked like! I have 100's of pictures of ds with dh, but I'm no where to be found.  And the few pictures I am in are terrible - like I didn't know the picture was being taken or I am in the middle of a sentence.   Sorry you had an emotional day.
    Christmas 2009 image
  • sorry things didn't go as you planned.  I don't have nearly as many pictures of me and DS as I do of DH and DS.  He just doesn't think to take pictures like I do.  I am really trying to get more of DS and I.
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