My BFF almost hit 200 when she was pg with her 1st, and she did get to 200 with her 2nd, her h is a big guy, like 250, and when she hit 200, he started calling her deuce. What a d*ck!!
Well since I am 5'0'' and he is 6'1'' I hope that will never happen!!!! ?lol ?
Danielle- Our little boy Garrett Lanigan born on 12-28-06 at 7:39pm weighing in at 7lbs 11oz and 20in long! Clinically Diagnosed with Alagille Syndrome 5/08, genetically confirmed 7/09
Our baby Girl Lillian Mary-Ellen born 5-19-10 at 12:59pm weighing 8lbs 4oz 19in!
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Nope, DH is 6'1" and has a big bone structure. But at one of my last ob appt when I was pg he said, "Damn, I knew you gained weight but I didn't know it was THAT much." then he laughed
Thanks honey.
I gained 40 lbs during pregnancy and was 20lbs over weight when I got pregnant (so that's 60 lbs overweight), but right now DH is at his smallest he's been in a long time and he's still 30 lbs heavier than I was.
Nope. It would take 3 of me to weigh as much as him. He weighed 315 pounds at a drs. appt today. Even 36wks pg with twins I was nowhere close. I only gained 30lbs though.
I passed him up by about 10 lbs when I was pregnant with N. I didn't pass him up when I was pregnant with G. Hopefully I'll never pass him again! He isn't a big guy, but he isn't super skinny either.
DH also lost weight when I was pg. I almost reached his weight (I was 10 lbs under) and it was not a nice feeling.
I always complain when I see pics of me in recovery, swollen like if I was going to explode, and DH is all skinny and well dressed (he was at work when notified that there was an emergency). Men!!!
No, but DH is 10 inches taller than me and weighs well over 200 pounds. I've definitely gone through phases (pg and nursing) when I out-eat him, though!
The day I gave birth I weighed more than him. My goal was to stay under his weight, but I failed. I was so embarrassed, so I am glad he wasn't there for the weigh-in!
DH is only a couple inches taller than me and has a slight build so I imagine I did w/last PG and will this time too (although I don't really know what he weighs).
Oh well, I'm sure by the time I leave the hospital, I will be under him again. At least I hope it comes off as easily this time!
LOL! Yes, I have. He has to work out to gain weight. It's disgusting.
Ditto this. He is only about 2 inches taller than me and is constantly trying to gain weight. Not pregnant, our weight is pretty similar (sadly). I am tall and have a fairly muscular build. He is skin and bones.
Yes I have...even not pregnant. He's tall (6'2") & skinny & I am tallish & fat...why do you think I married him? I wanted my kids to have a chance at being thin--LOL! Pre-kids most of the time I didn't weigh more, pregnant & post kids I mostly have weighed more. I've recently gotten pg again & he's lost weight so I am sure I'll REALLY outweigh him by the end of this's really pathetic.
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Re: POLL: have you ever weighed more than DH?
Me with my littlest.
no. I would killy myself. not literally, but you get the idea.
Nope, but I remember at one of my last OB appointments while pg with Nora I weighed in and DH said "Oh! Still less than me, but barely!"
I about killed him with my glare, and I saw the nurse roll her eyes. LOL.
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
Macy ~ 10.23.09
Nope, he weighs 245lbs so I would have to gain a lot of weight to pass him.
Don't worry you are pg, and you will lose it all as soon as Miss Maile joins you!
ooohhh....bad timing on his part! Surely he could have waited
Our baby Girl Lillian Mary-Ellen born 5-19-10 at 12:59pm weighing 8lbs 4oz 19in!
Baby #3 on it's way due March 15th, 2012!
Nope, DH is 6'1" and has a big bone structure. But at one of my last ob appt when I was pg he said, "Damn, I knew you gained weight but I didn't know it was THAT much." then he laughed
Thanks honey.
I gained 40 lbs during pregnancy and was 20lbs over weight when I got pregnant (so that's 60 lbs overweight), but right now DH is at his smallest he's been in a long time and he's still 30 lbs heavier than I was.
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Nope. It would take 3 of me to weigh as much as him. He weighed 315 pounds at a drs. appt today.
Even 36wks pg with twins I was nowhere close. I only gained 30lbs though.
OMG no!!! He is 250 or more! I've never been over 155 max (when prego). I would die if I was close to 300!!!
Oh, and it was at the end of my pregnancy.
DH also lost weight when I was pg. I almost reached his weight (I was 10 lbs under) and it was not a nice feeling.
I always complain when I see pics of me in recovery, swollen like if I was going to explode, and DH is all skinny and well dressed (he was at work when notified that there was an emergency). Men!!!
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
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DH is only a couple inches taller than me and has a slight build so I imagine I did w/last PG and will this time too (although I don't really know what he weighs).
Oh well, I'm sure by the time I leave the hospital, I will be under him again. At least I hope it comes off as easily this time!
Ditto this. He is only about 2 inches taller than me and is constantly trying to gain weight. Not pregnant, our weight is pretty similar (sadly). I am tall and have a fairly muscular build. He is skin and bones.