
well, my mom's cancer

is back and there is new growth as well in her brain.

What stinks is that she KNEW it -- her arm felt funny, like she had a stroke. But all you can do is wait for the scan.

I am trying very, very hard to see this as a blessing in disguise because it may lead to more aggressive treatment and possibly the cyber knife. Living in limbo in a wheelchair (she can't walk due to the brain tumors) is not a good place for my mom - I honestly think she would rather be walking or not existing. I know that writing that may hurt people who live their lives in wheelchairs...I apologize, I'm not clear headed right now. I'm also sorry to vent on this board. It's been board forever, but I generally don't go beyond posting (no FB, etc.) But I like it here and it feels like a place I can just write this.

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