Like the title said - if you have a BOB Revolution long did your twins stay in it? The weight limit says 100lb per child is the max..just wanted to know how long the kids would use it IRL.
right now we have a hand me down SBS Maclaren twin stroller which is nice, but kinda hard to push and maneuver sometimes. Toysrus is having a 15% off sale on BOB strollers and we have a gift I'm idly contemplating buying one to get some real exercise. But seeing as the twins are already 16 mos and winter is coming, would like to know how long I can realistically expect to use this thing.
Also, thanks to those who replied to my post on birthday parties and commemorating a loss..and still ruminating on what to do.
Re: BOB Rev Duallie - how long did twins use it
To be honest we haven't used our BOB a lot, but they would still fit in it and I'm guessing they will for quite some time...the boys are around 25 lbs each and they are 2 years old....while they're growing they're not getting big fast so I'd say for quite a few years we'll be using it.
It's great for a jogging stroller and I don't regret buying it I just regret not using it as much and we mostly use it for walks...I've jogged with it once and it was awesome.