As it gets closer to LO #2 arrival I seem to be getting more and more worried. This pregnancy has not been an easy one. I have been on bed rest due to blood pressure issues, contractions and dialation. LO #1 is cutting teeth and has had a cold on and off for the past month so she has been a lil hard to handle at times. Not to mention DH works out of town Monday- Thursday.I am starting to wonder how the HE** I am gonna handle all this on my own!
How am I going to BF LO#2 when LO #1 is crawling/walking and getting into everything? How am I going to get two of them down for naps/bedtime by myself? Any advice?
AHHHHHHH I feel so overwhelmed!!!
Re: Scared
I'm nowhere near the end of this pregnancy even so I have no advice. But I did want to share my thought that if you are managing everything now in the, less than ideal, situation you're in you will absolutely pull it off when you have LO#2!
As for LO#1 and crawling, etc, have as much space in your home COMPLETELY child proofed as you can. Make atleast one room completely child proof and nurse in that room. I always found it fascinating to watch my LO master cruising and walking and exploring her surroundings. What a wonderful way you can pass the time nursing while allowing #1 to entertain them self.