
The upside of being hospitalized...

We have finally decided on names for our girls! But let me fill you in on the medical stuff too...

Last Tues I had an appointment with NST and was contracting some on the monitor (nothing totally new, I contract a lot!) and they sent me on home. However, all afternoon that day I continued to have regular contractions every 7-8 minutes for roughly 2 hours. So I called the clinic and into L&D we came. The on-call doc that night gave me two shots of terb and was going to send me on home... but then he ended up keeping me all night because I'm twins and not his primary patient to manage. Boy am I glad he made that decision! My contractions picked back up that night and into the next morning and by Wednesday afternoon I was on the dreaded Mag. My doctor checked my cervix and I have dilated to 2cm Sad The next 48+ hours are fuzzy because of almost becoming mag-toxic and just feeling like total crap in general, but they did finally wean me off the mag on Friday and onto a oral dose of terb every 4 hours. So far that seems to be working well and they even spread it out to every 6 hours! Monitoring is also every 6 and so far we have only seen sporadic contractions and some irritability. Thank goodness!! My doc wants me to stay inpatient at least until 32 weeks, so I am looking forward to a hopefully very boring week of baking babies!! It has been stressful to say the least, but we could not be more thankful to still have inside babies Big Smile

And if you have read this far, you deserve to know their names (endless hours of hospital bedrest helps the process!)...

Kate Margaret

Violet Sue

What do you think? We are not letting the girls know they are named now, just in case they decide that means it's time to come out Wink

Married 8.4.07
BFP #1 4.15.11 Twin girls born 11/17/11
BFP #2 10/16/13 m/c at 9w
BFP #3 4/7/14 EDD 12/13/14

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