Cloth Diapering

traveling with CD ? (possibly stupid)

We are going to be traveling to my IL's house in two weeks for 5 days.  I intend to bring CDs because I love them and it is all LO has used since coming home.

So, what do I do with the dirty dipes we will have from the night before and the morning of the day we leave?  5 days of sitting will surely make for some nastiness when we return, but there won't be time to wash those last few before we leave.  Should I bring the last few dirties in a wetbag to wash once we arrive?  TIA

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Re: traveling with CD ? (possibly stupid)

  • Depending on the weather I have left them or taken them but don't leave a poo one they tend to get worse
    Me DOR amh .64 ng/mL  
    DH Brain Cancer
    BFP #1 12/11/08 DS born 8/23/09
    BFP#2 10/13/11 DC 11/4/11
    BFP#3 12/6/13 Lost 12/29/13
    Told IVF is the only option and have not found a clinic that will take me.

  • As soon as DD is asleep, I wash the dirty diapers from the day.  Then we take the dirty night time diapers with us in a wetbag and wash them with the other ones on our trip.  I have 3 wetbags and one of them is rather large (hanging wetbag for poopy diapers now that she eats solids).  
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  • If I had it my way, I'd just bring those dirties in a wetbag.

    But DH is weird about traveling with dirty diapers, and doesn't like to bring them along with us. (Even though we usually do AT LEAST one diaper change between the time we leave home and the time we get on the plane... so even if we leave the house with no dirty diapers, we have some pretty quickly!) So, sometimes, I'll do disposables the night before/morning of departure. It's a good compromise -- better than pissing DH off to the point where he insists on disposables for the entire vacation!

    I've also just done a quick cold rinse of the (pee only) dirty diapers, and laid them out to dry just before we leave.

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

  • We just wash late and take any dirties with us on the road in someone else said, you start getting dirties pretty quick anyways. Never had a problem with that setup. ;)
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • When I travel by car, I bring the whole pail liner (with any dirties) and put it in the trunk. I add to it as we go.
  • imagetokenhoser:
    When I travel by car, I bring the whole pail liner (with any dirties) and put it in the trunk. I add to it as we go.


  • Thanks!  I thought bringing them with us would be the best thing, but it seems weird to travel with dirties.  But coming home to 5 day old diapers just sounds worse than anything!
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  • The first time we traveled with LO, it was a family emergency so we left with basically no planning at all, and it was supposed to be diaper laundry night that night. When I got home from work, DH had packed the entire hamper with dirties into the car. I thought it was a little weird, but it worked fine, and we came home with a whole load of clean CDs.
    Lilypie - (8zJg)Lilypie - (Eu83)
  • Haven't really tried CDing while traveling. I ended up getting gDiapers biodegradable inserts for when I travel and have really come to like them. It takes a little bit of stress of me while on vacation. If you have pre-fold covers (Bummis, Thirsties, etc.), you can use the inserts in the covers instead of buying gDiaper covers... although I will add that I have been very pleased with the gDiaper system and will be getting more, since LO is about to outgrow his current covers.  
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