I am about 7 weeks pregnant. I haven't had my ob appt yet so I don't know if it is one baby or two babies. I had implantation bleeding twice. The first on a wed/thurs- wed with a few swipes of red blood and thurs was dark mucus. And had the same exact thing the following Tues/wed. I have had no spotting since and both episodes were before BFP. I know it sounds strange, but it "feels" like twins. I will be thrilled either way. I know none of you will be able to tell me if it is twins, I am just curious if any of you experienced this?
Re: Double implantation bleeding?
I just have a stange hunch. Everytime I think about the pregnancy I think about 2 babies. I think most Moms have instincts about their pregnancy. My first pregnancy I was very unsettled and had a very bad feeling about it and it ended in missed miscarriage. My 2nd I felt like it was a girl from day 1 and it was. Just a "feeling". Like I said I will be very happy either way.