
Alternative for Cloroxwipes?

I use Clorox wipes for everything - and I'm trying to be a little more earth friendly.  Has anyone found a wipe like them for cleaning?  I found the Method ones, but they're more money for like 1/3 the amount of wipes.  I love the convenience of the
Michelle, Happily married to R 2006,
StepMom to P, Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse

Re: Alternative for Cloroxwipes?

  • earth friendly and wipe you toss into a landfill don't go hand in hand....I doubt you will find much....
  • Earth friendly meaning less toxins, biodegradable, etc.  The Method ones are made of bamboo, not paper so they're not contributing to deforestation.  I'm trying to do the green thing, but one step at a time, right?
    Michelle, Happily married to R 2006,
    StepMom to P, Mama to R and E.
    SAHM and weekend NICU nurse
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  • I wasn't judging!!!  I use the clorox wipes too...for a quick cleaning in between regular cleaning!  :)


  • I use bar towels or paint towels from Home Depot (about $5 for 10).  I either use clorox anywhere spray or just plain old vinegar, depending if I am dealing with bio hazard (poop) or just food.  I just mix it 4 to 1 in a trig spray. 
  • Method ones are made of bamboo, not paper so they're not contributing to deforestation...  This is a myth.  I own a 250 acre tree farm, almost all paper in the US comes from tree farms like mine.  It is a very renewable resource.  Deforestation is mostly cause by land cleared for crops or animal grazing or for people to live, occasionally for special wood types for furniture.
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